First and foremost- On this 31st day of December 2007 of the year of the lord- the Christ- a spirit of peace- To the heavens themselves - Thank you for the life I have lived- in particular this very year of 2007 culminating with your acknowledgment in your trust and support for my duty in which you have chosen me for. I pray all my words and actions are to the highest of my abilities in order to relay the will of the heavens.
To my fellow man- my name is Solomon Sami Azar- I live in absolute conviction I have been chosen by the entity we all collectively call God in order to initiate the final phases of utopia on earth- THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN-
Upon the days of vindication of my scientific discovery I have uncovered for the betterment of mankind-one in which there will be no talks of an energy crisis- no talks of greenhouse gases-nor any country with a need for radioactive material for energy- when these days come upon the earth and a desire of man to want to know who has done this-I have clearly stated all my actions were under the framework of god and I am their messenger-
My intentions as the messiah are as follows
A completely open and democratic process in which the world nominates a MESSIAH-A FORMAL MESSENGER OF GOD- WHY- it is the desire of the heavens themselves to come to the table with mankind. As it is a formal process that man may elect freely or otherwise a leader of their own country to have complete sway over their lives- to conduct matters of war and peace upon the nation- it is Gods will to have mankind formally nominate a messenger of gods will over all nations in order to complete the final phases of utopia upon this planet earth- it is my desire to stand for this position.
As the messiah- let all the nations be gathered and a democratic vote of TOTAL UNCONDITIONAL PEACE SHALL EXIST BETWEEN ALL NATIONS-. As there are entities such as NATO in which it is inconceivable to have an ally attack another ally- let it be known by god- WE ARE ALL ALLIES OF THE SAME SPECIES-RACE-SPIRIT OF MAN-so shall it be in spirit by all human beings- therefore- it shall be abolished the conception of aggressive war between man- let all soldiers of the earth begin to understand their ancient creed of GOD AND COUNTRYhas now brought the honor of this very generation of human beings to cease all hostilities upon the earth- an age of unity shall begin- let all the soldiers know that every past warrior of all battles stand for you in spirit for this blessing- TO END THE VIOLENCE BETWEEN NATIONS AND BECOME THE DEFENDER AND PROMOTER OF GODS WILL- PEACE ON EARTH
Formal unity must begin upon the earth as a demonstration of global unity. In my roots are the blood and spirit of a Semitic linage of Moses Jesus and Mohamed- and without question a mix from the four corners of the earth- let all human beings say unto themselves- what is my mix in my genetic makeup- ARE WE NOT ALL THE SAME. In the books of the bible-new testament and Koran-god has shown man the very first story of brotherhood- CAIN AND ABLE- NOW- IN THE 21ST CENTURY- THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR- BROTHERS ISSAC AND ISHMAEL- SONS OF ABRAHAM- SONS OF AZAR-SONS OF GOD-HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO CENTER STAGE IN THE MIDDLE EAST TO BE PUT TO THE HIGHEST FORM OF FAITH. DO WE KILL ABLE? OR DO WE REMEMBER AND PRACTICE THE WORDS OF THE GREATEST MESSENGERS/PROPHETS OF OUR PAST- PEACE AND UNITY AMONGST MAN- a world will witness this- you must encourage it as it is Gods will in this very special time upon all earth to TEST ALL MANS FAITH IN THE ANCIENT WORDS OF GOD- FOR BE CLEAR UPON THIS-ALL THE NATIONS SHALL BE ONE IN PEACE AND UNITY UNDER GOD-
To the chosen people- you have done well- to have endured countless abuse my others as a witness to the prejudice of mankind- to carry the ancient message of one god for all humanity in which we are all one- to be the scapegoat amongst the world for a reason- to promote the words of unity of mankind for countless generations- to have these words of unity be a demonstration of hatred by others- in the words of Hitler himself to shun the Jewish race and its intrinsic nature to mix the world- For it was Hitler’s duty to bring a pinnacle of hatred and prejudice to the forefront of the earth as this was a war of prophesy- WORLD WAR 2 WAS ARMEGEDON- -IT IS GOD WHO WILL ASK ALL PEOPLES- ARE YOU GREATER THAN ANOTHER BY WAY OF RACE/COLOR/CULTURE- OR ARE YOU ONE-a 2000 year segregation from a homeland- returning with eyes of blue and hair of blond- a conviction of many who embrace the words of unity- ARE WE TO RETURN TO OUR HOMELAND WITH A WALL AND SEGREGATION? WE SHALL UNITE WITH OUR ARAB BROTHERS AS ITIS GODS WILL FOR PEACE AND UNITY- TO THE YOUTH- MIX COMPLETELY AND BREAK THE CYCLE OF SEGREGATION
TO ARAB AND JEW- there must be a compromise. The united states of America is the greatest entity of government man has come together to achieve- there is no question it is not perfect and has a bias to it- YET- it is a dream for all nations peoples- for within America- are all the peoples of the earth- any color- any religion-and race- it is America which is a hope for many to simply live their lives free from the ignorance of man prejudice and raise a family- the language of America is English- so shall be the common language of the earth- let a new nation of brotherhood of man be built between Arab and Jew come together- let this new nation have a capitol where the law was first given-upon the hills of Mt. Sinai- let this new government and all whom come together for its life agree upon the language of English as a formal language of a new nation- speak whatever language you fancy in your homes- LET ALL THE NATIONS COME TOGETHER AND FORMALLY SPEAK A UNIFYING LANGUAGE FREE FROM A BIASED INTERPRETER- LET IT BE ENGLISH
when the military’s of the earth begin formal unification and sharing of one another’s resource in order to be unity- let us address our prison systems- a dismal facility filled by majority the worlds poorest and unrepresented human beings- as in the military- there is structure and discipline as you are housed-fed-clothed-and cared for by way of medicine- let us all fundamentally begin to incorporatethe vast amount of disregarded human beings in a prison system that desire an opportunity in life- not a cage not even worthy of a pet animal.DO WE NOT HAVE A LABOR POOL OF MEN TO BUILD ANEW AND REBUILD AN INFRASTRUCTURE OF THIS PLANET- HOSPITALS- ROADS – BRIDGES- SO MUCH MORE- IT IS ONLY OUR DESIRE AND BELIEF TO DO SO
If you are afraid to initiate this- the next time you stand with your child timid to jump in the water the first time- or ride a bike- and you say unto them- do not worry- I have your back- I am with you- IT IS GOD WHO SAYS TO YOU- I AM WITH YOU- ALWAYS
The following video is my introduction as human being with conviction in science- I care not for business whatsoever- my call to conviction has occurred after this video- THUS- THERE IS NO PUBLIC VIDEO OF MY INTENTIONS WITH GOD- everything I have done- I have done so alone- as of this very day- I have no partners- no care for business- I stand alone with god as my year of conviction comes to a close- WHEN THE WORLD VINDICATES MY EXPERIMENTS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND- I WILL AWAIT MY FURTHER DUTIES- GOD BLESS ALL OF US- EVERYONE
The following is a link to a petition to call for a public display to bring the words of god to humanity
My time on this internet with full attention as a messenger is coming to an end- I realize this talk of god hinders the progress by many scientists to simply investigate my writings as they are turned off by my convictions of God- Ridiculous isn't it- we all by majority pray to god and so many knock on wood for superstition- YET- when one who has spent his entire life to investigate this world and brings words from the heavens- I am shunned- I FULLY UNDERSTAND YOU WILL BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND ME- OR SHALL I SAY GIVE ME MORE ATTENTION ONCE MY SCIENCE IS PROVEN CORRECT- Thus- enough talk of god- After the 13th of January- the baptism of jesus and my birthday- I shall concentrate my full time devotion to science again in order to provoke key people to vindicate my experiments by majority- HOWEVER- SINCE MY TIME ON THE NET 9 MONTHS NOW- I HAVE CERTAINLY PROVEN TO A PUBLIC I HAVE HONORED GOD FIRST- IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE FOR THE SO CALLED FOLLOWERS OF THE LIGHT TO ASSIST- BUT THEIR FAITH HAS BEEN TOO WEAK- I HAVE BETTER RECEPTION FROM ATHEISTS- THUS-AFTER THE 13TH-I AM GONE FROM MYSPACE AND SO MANY MORE SITES WITH TALKS OF GOD- I AM THE LITTLE MUSTARD SEED- IT WILL GROW WHEN YOU GIVE IT WATER-YOUR ATTENTION- THE LIGHT OF GOD WILL SHINE UPON IT THRU THE HOLY SPIRIT AND CREATE PEACE ON EARTH- I AM THIS MAN TO ADDRESS PEACE- I HAVE BEEN BUILT FOR THIS MY WHOLE LIFE-TIME WILL TELL
I dedicate this to the heavens themselves- for it was under their guidance and my admiration to an entity we collectively call God I have labored for.
I pray all my words are found true- for if they are- the energy crisis is over-and upon that acceptance- the world shall know all my findings have been endowed by the heavens-and I am their messenger- as a race of human beings on this tiny magical blue planet-
THE AGE OF UNITY HAS BEGUN What are we here for?
Hello, my name is Solomon. The year is 2007 and I have found my purpose in life- I am the Messiah of the 21st century- for the Jewish people I have brought the conviction ofGOD to finalize the ancient calling of unity- to the Christians who love Jesus with all their hearts- understand I have walked with Jesus in my heart since a child- this holy spirit has never left my side in order for myself to learn from every event in my life with the frame of mind as seen by the heavens- to the Muslims- the same fire of spirit that has spoken to Moses and Mohamed have done so with me- to all people- I am a messenger of GOD of all nations and peoples for I have received the blessings of our past spirits and their honored warriors under the realm of the heavens for my task- we have all been told since our beginning to honor the heavens of the sky- to honor something in which we are a part of- now- in the 21st century- technically aware man is beginning to look to the heavens and start to understand the intentions of our creator- The following is a true life story of my life and how I came to this conviction of being a messenger- the following stories are collections of events that have happened over this year which has led me to complete conviction I am being told to stand up and declare myself the messiah- the 13th apostle- the messenger of our times. my purpose to write this is for you to understand and become intrigued to investigate- for let it be known I have brought a miracle so that you would lend me an ear- to not walk on water- but to deliver water as an unlimited and clean source of fuel for mankind. I have been a scientist at heart my entire life- I now find myself with the need to be a novelist in order to disseminate my purpose and life’s mission.
First-I speak of a so called miracle I have uncovered. Of all inventions to make man civilized, it is fire which has started it all. With fire- man can see in the dark- can keep warm at all times- protect themselves from dangerous animals- and eventually use it to melt ores and begin metal fabrication- the energy of fire must be understood by all people is the source and key to mans dominion over the earth- if you are unsure of this- simply shut of all electricity in your home and live your days-you will appreciate the fire that has boiled water into steam that drives an electric turbine. Truly fire is important.
It is important enough that some states will go to war over for resources as it has a major impact on the economy- it is limited to a point that many men search in the barren frozen lands of the arctic for the fuel- they search in the deep rough sees for it- ENERGY FROM FIRE IS PARAMOUNT- thus, my miracle for mankind- is energy for use by way of using water. Water has been speculated before as a source of energy- but it is I and I alone which have for the first time in science conducted an experiment with the use of a lightning bolt. The lightning bolt- surely all people are fascinated by such a display of sound and light in the sky since time immortal- even to the evolutionist Darwinist-it is the lightning bolt in the primordial seas which have given the activation energy for primitive rna and protein fragments to come together. The power of lightning is unquestionable- the hand that drives it is the highest source of creation and evolution.
To make a man made lightning bolt- you need a device invented over 100 years ago called a Tesla coil- invented by Nikola Tesla himself- the famous inventor who brought man many things. Some sectors of industry might use this amazing device to make man made lightning for use in testing their electrical distribution equipment which might be susceptible to lightning discharges in the sky- thus, to test in a man made setting is logical before implementing into nature- but by far the major use of a Tesla coil is for amusement- used in museums and movie productions- the Tesla coil makes for great lightning spikes for fancy of many.
So I have taken this Tesla coil and coupled it with water-why water. Water is amazing for the obvious- what is not so obvious is this. For every glass of water- one in every 600 molecules of it is a special one- whereby a neutron is attached to the hydrogen proton thereby making it a heavier atom- it is called heavy water- man has developed a way to mass produce heavy water from regular tap water since the fifties. Also, it must be the purest form of water- this is to make it extremely isolative- for many people know not to step in water and handle electricity as they will get shocked as water is a good conductor- THAT IS FALSE- pure water is hydrogen bonded to oxygen- it is extremely stable and is just as isolative as rubber- it is the contaminants found in regular tap water that contains minerals and impurities which make it conductive. Thus when I speak of water- it is a very special type – which may be found in standard water anywhere- including the ocean- therefore- you should now understand how abundant this fuel water truly is.
I did not get fascinated by the lightning bolt in the sky and deduce to couple it to special water for energy production as easily as putting two and two together.My attempt to do such as experiment is built upon an entire adult life of trying to manipulate gravity. Since the age of 17- which is the year 1982- I have been on some kind of mission as a human being- one of which my primary duties was to unravel gravity in order to control and harness it for space exploration and much more- I have always believed since this age this self imposed mission I took on was illuminated upon me by the heavens- I have always believed in a god- I grew up a Christian orthodox family to two loving parents- however, since I can remember- I have always respected all religions- however, for me, the teachings of Jesus were paramount- I admire and love every aspect of this spirit and the way he has lived and taught on this planet. Thus, all my pursuits in life were one in which there has never been darkness- but rather the light of god in all my decisions. The climax of my understanding is the special theory of relativity by Albert Einstein- I believe I have added to this mans work- I believe I have seen another angle of looking at this mans century old ideas in a way never I have seen before in science.
The pinnacle of my scientific understanding culminated in 2003. After many years of gathering knowledge and performing gravity experiments of my own pursuits I found the road to nuclear fusion with water and the lightning bolt whilst reading my favorite science book by Samuel Glasstone titled “sourcebook on atomic energy”-1955 edition. It is my favorite book not only because I have found my idea from it, but more importantly- it is great book which gives a great testimony to so many noted scientists and their contribution to mankind. Every thing I know I owe to society- a society which has over many years built up a civilized state in which one may find knowledge in libraries-internet-the complied works of all before us- I applaud all those before us in their commitments to labor for the betterment of mankind itself.
Thus, my frame of mind is the special theory of relativity- a world in which the relative velocities are considered. In this case-charged particles within water itself being subjugated to very large oscillating electrostatic fields- just keep in mind the lightning bolt- for it is buried in the state of a lighting bolt which represents high voltage and high frequency to consider. For it is these controlled states which will impart upon the charged particles a magnetic condition which will be conducive for the hydrogen atoms to combine with another hydrogen atom and create NUCLEAR FUSION-the power of the nucleus of an atom should be understood at this moment- only think of the atomic bomb- however- I do not propose a violent explosion of radioactive material- nuclear scientists have been trying to perform a safe and clean form of nuclear fusion for over 60 years now- - AND HERE I COME- A COMPLETE NOBODY= WALKING ONTO LEFT FIELD FROM ABSOLUTLEY NOWHERE ON THE RADAR SCREEN- BUT HERE I AM-I HAVE DONE SOMETHING IN SCIENCE NEVER BEFORE- THAT IN ITSELF IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT BY A LONER- BUT I WAS NEVER A LONER- I HAVE WALKED WITH GOD ALL MY LIFE- for the spark in my mind came upon the day I was reading this book for the hundredth time for my analysis of gravity in my personal work- on looking at the construction details of a nuclear power plant- particularly of the pressurized water reactor type- this reactor has fission rod assemblies inside it- surrounding the rods was HEAVY WATER- it is used as a moderator to slow down neutrons- and also to be used as a heat exchange system to make steam and push an electric turbine and produce electricity- therefore- BEHOLD-a turn key system right before my eyes-
I PROPOSE SOMETHING SINCE THE CAVEMAN USED TWO STICKS FOR FIRE-TRULY I HAVE- for it must have been many years a caveman has walked upon sticks and used it in so many ways except to rub it together for use of fire. Can you imagine the day it was realized- and so here I am- I PROPOSE NOT TWO STICKS-BUT TWO ELECTRODES TO MAKE FIRE IN THE 21ST CENTURY- however, the fuel here is water- not organic material such as wood- crazy right- to put out a fire- you throw water upon it- and so to this day of writing the vast majority look upon me as unreal. I cant blame many for not having faith in me in science- with so many charlatans and crooks in society who will say absolutely anything to promote their selfish ways- but here it is- buried amongst so much deceit and trickery of the world- a voice of truth-
SO HERE COMES THE GOOD PART-if you were having the desire to believe in me in science was close- surely I have pushed you even farther away with my full conviction I am a messenger of god. First and foremost- I did not make it up for promotion of science- for I have a record upon the internet of almost a decade of messages of unity I was given by our god in a site called and now)- is still up and running and I never touched it in 8 years on the internet- here is copy of the text on the front of the website-
“Some day the world will become one, whereby the East will embrace the West, but not yet. Now a message divinely brought forth, in a region of the world seen as the most divisive, it is here where the flower of unity must begin to grow. Between the east and west are the Semites, Arabs and Jews, the children of Abraham, the children of Shem. All the Semites are now called upon to merge into a new nation. In the land of the prophets, the Semites are called upon to enlighten the world that what seems a world apart can come together under GOD. The Semites are to shed their superficial differences and embrace one another as a symbol of unity to the world. The states of Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and all whom call themselves Semitic are called upon to merge together as one nation in which its name shall be SEMITICA. You who are Semitic of the faiths Christian, Muslim, or Jew understand that you are all tied together by blood more so than with any other people as the children of Shem. Call your religious name what you want, there is but GOD, The time has come for unity to occur, the Holy Spirit is calling upon the descendents of the prophets to set the example. As a Semite, can you take this bold step.”
I have always believed my mission since 17 was one in great respect and duty given to me by the heavens – however- I have never believed I was going to be a messenger- this did not happen until the age of 33 for me- it was in this era that I have begun to understand why I was driven to solve something in science for mankind in conjunction to the life I was living and in what I have observed- I now began to understand why I lived my entire life as a scientist-not only with the science of invisible electrical forces- but that of people and nature and all things- an observer of the human condition itself-Thus, for the previous ten years I have toyed with the idea that in some way I was a messenger of god- but never of full conviction as my mission has not finished- for surely I now understood I must endure upon my own actions and toil in my life to find something to benefit many-I MUST EARN THE RIGHT TO BE A MESSENGER-I must prove to my GOD I will labor thru my life with faith in the heavens and its purpose- I must toil in life and find a miracle for humanity itself- I must earn the respect of my fellowman in my actions to make all of our lives better- once given this credit many will give me the dignity to listen to my conviction to our GOD and his intentions thru me.
I know the life I have lived- as you know yours- my life since the mission of 17 has been great- life is how we see it- our free will to choose between positive or negative- half full or half empty- above all- I thank god for health and being born to two loving parents who have stood by me my entire life- for without question- the state of an adult is a function of the nature and nurture given to any human being growing up. Upon this imposed mission I have: lived the majority of my life without the love of a woman for pursuits of science- lived now 13 years separated from my son for pursuits of science- I have without question in an honest review of my life have truly dedicated most of my life to this mission- here is a copy of my United States tax record- An educated Engineer and master electrician with a good ability to be likeable with America at my front door- I have chosen to pursue the mission of GOD- my tax record should demonstrate my intentions were never in pursuit of money- MY PURSUITS ARE OF KNOWLEDGE.
I averaged 2,700 dollars per year over my life- never owned a new home/car/anything- My pursuits in life were always science
1982-The year I was given the scientific mission of uncovering gravity- the year David Bowie sees me- starman- I see the movie Quest for fire-I always felt this mission was of a higher power- BUT I HAD NO IDEA I WAS TO BE A MESSENGER-thus- to tackle gravity-many stones must be uncovered and the works of a thousand scientists began-I went to many schools-
1985-took one year off from studies as felt the compelling need to serve my country- join the united states marines corps- infantry -0300 on my contract- I DID NOT REALIZE THIS SIGNIFICANCE UNTIL THE YEAR 2007 AND THE VISIT BY THE WARRIORS OF ALL NATIONS AT VALLEY OF THE GODS IN SOUTHERN UTAH-OR WARRIORS FROZEN IN TIME BY FIRST NATION PEOPLES LANGUAGE- I have been visited by all nations past with the warriors at attention- I have their blessings-WARS MUST COME TO AN END-
1987- My UFO experience- again-did not understand fully what this was until summer 07-however-what this event did- I was reevaluating my life- why so much on studies when many go for money-girls-fun-whatever normal behavior by the masses- this put me back on track
The beginnings of accepting the full conviction of being a messenger began in the fall of 2006-whereby I have somehow found myself in a new building to perform my experiments- my cousin named Thaer in which I like to call him Thor of ancient thunder, fitting as I found lightning, and I rented a small room within a renovated 5 story building once a bank within the city of Allentown, Pa.the owner of the building- who once worked on gravity ideas which I found extremely coincidental, let me have the fifth floor for free to conduct my experiments-SO FOR THE FIRST TIME I HONESTLY FELT I WAS BEING GIVEN SOMETHING FOR MY LIFES WORK.It was magical – I knew it immediately- I worked in this building alone on this fifth floor with a majestic view outside thru large glass windows showing the center piece square of the city- a very large statue surrounded by civil war veterans with lady Liberty atop the 60 foot column holding our flag –eagle-and torch- TRULY GRAND AND IMPRESSIVE- I WAS ALWAYS GRATEFUL FOR THIS-
And so I labored to now build this machine I was proposing since 2003- I tried to tell many people- but to a deaf ear- I have been a self employed master electrician for ten years- I am used to dealing with electricity- but not lightning discharge proportions- BUT IT WAS TIME TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND JUST BUILD THIS DEVICE TO AID IN WHAT I AM TRYING TO TELL EVERYONE-. So I labored upon my solo actions to take a century old device the Tesla coil and use it in a methodology I devised from the century old ideas of Einstein himself and build this simple experiment-
THE VERY FIRST TIME I RESONATED THIS LIGHTNING BOLT IN WATER- TWO HASIDIC JEWS WITNESSED IT FROM THE DOOR WINDOW. They were from Brooklyn New York investigating the building for possible purchase. NOW THE FUNNY COINCIDENCES SURELY BEGAN- I needed a good experiment for a video- it took me another 6 weeks to actually build the device I needed- no assistance from no one- no money from anyone- I never took money for all my life’s scientific work-I even used parts from an auto junkyard- dc motors of a driver seat from a Buick century auto- how fitting as a century it was for this invention utilizes the century old ideas of two great scientists- all culminating on a successful experiment uponPALM SUNDAY-2007 –ALSO APRIL 1ST- an interesting date indeed spiritually- in regards to April fools jokes- let me simply say at this stage- WE COME FROM THE MOST INTELLIGANT CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-IT WILL ALWAYS KEEP YOU GUESING- THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF IT- FAITH- A GRAND TEST UPON THIS PLANET-
What did I do- no one in world history has ever taken a Tesla coil and made the output discharge plasma- the lightning bolt- resonate upon water itself- more specifically- I used ULTRAPURE reagent grade water from the manufacturer NERL –this is used in medical facilities to test chemicals mixed with pure water- I used it for its purity and establishment of a high degree of insulation to create the plasma condition. I built my entire Tesla coil tunable for I knew I must resonate it with the special properties of the molecule of water itself-I also doped my water with several ounces of heavy water from the manufacturer UNITED NUCLEAR.IN CONJUCTION I WROTE 40 PAGES WHY I WOULD DO SUCH A THING IN SCIENCE- WHY????? SO SOMEONE- WILL PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER AND UNDERSTAND THIS IS THE ROAD TO SAFE AND CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL HUMANITY-
OK- back to my road to conviction- I still was not there completely- In a way I wanted my experiment to be more compelling- maybe more of a light show- to many- its still this little arc inside water- even though they have no idea that little arc has never been done before- except in special effects for movies-but alas- my funds-my energy- my efforts in science have come to an end- I did all I can do alone- it is up to society to do the rest- HOWEVER- IT IS MY DUTY TO INFORM AS MANY PEOPLE AS I CAN OF THIS SOLUTION-RIGHT? But I found not many listening as usual- only one has stood up the plate- GOD- for I was summoned to a place in southern Utah called the valley of the gods 6 weeks later from experiment- I WAS GIVEN A GRAND BLESSING AS A HUMAN BEING- LIKE A DREAM OF THE MOVIE CHRISTMAS CAROL COUPLED WITH VISIONS AND COMMUNICATION I WAS SPOKEN TO- TOLD BY THE HEAVENS THIS
BEHOLD- THE DAY OF MY CONVICTION- for upon my awakening I knew it was powerful-several hours from this place I found myself upon the walls of the Hoover dam in Nevada- a dam holding the power of water for energy- and here I am proposing a solution of water for energy-how fitting- for I wanted to show the powers my belief with my display to jump into the water side-the lake- not for suicide- as I calculated a 50-50 chance of survival- good odds- but more for publicity- to get the story out- seconds before my jump a strong gust of wind came in which I knew would shift my body as I descended- along with thoughts of an alternative- I was told you heart is willing- try this instead- go home and tell of the story of your connection to David Bowie-Starman- so much more- stimulate many with your words to seek the truth- and this is how it began- this amazing 8 months story I am living and witnessing as I live thru it in real time- I have now spent these past months unveiling all the connections in my life which have given me the full conviction I am the messenger of GOD-ALL OF WHICH WITHOUT QUESTION BUILT UPON MY CONVICTION I HAVE DISCOVERED A SOLUTION TO THE ENERGY CRISIS WHICH WILL MAKE ALL OF OUR LIVES FAR GREATER-ALL OF WHICH UNDER THE LIGHT OF GOD-
Here is how it started upon my return from the Valley of the Gods from southern Utah; it is a timeline of the past 8 months during my conviction of who I am--it starts with a copy of a letter to David Bowie-some stories might repeat some themes and I have left them redundant as to give added strength to certain events which are important to my road to conviction- however- who can possibly see thru the eyes of another human being- especially the profound statements I have made in regards to being a messenger-however-have this thought. If it is possible a human being might offer the world the solution to the energy crisis which is clean to our planet- AND- if the majority of the world believes in a higher power and unseen forces- then do you not see the possibility of this discovery being delivered with a message at their request. THIS IS MY STAND- I HAVE SOLVED THE ENERGY CRISIS- I HAVE DONE SO BECAUSE I BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN GUIDED TO SUCH - AND- A MESSAGE OF UNITY HAS BEEN GIVEN WITH THIS DISCOVERY- I have always believed in a god. Since I was a teenager I made it my mission to find answers in science with a sole purpose of providing a benefit to mankind. In the course of such a journey of exploring the invisible world of electrical/magnetic and gravitational fields– I was given a message by the heavens- No science on earth can unveil the invisible BUT STRONG forces of the heavens- FOR HOW EASY WOULD OUR TEST AND GROWTH BE ON EARTH IF WE COULD SEE THE STRINGS THAT DANGLE OUR LIVES- OR THE EYES THAT WATCH OUR EVERY MOVEMENT. I believe because I have solved the energy crisis- I would receive some recognition and some degree of being considered sane and normal as a human being- in conjunction with my absolute belief that my message is as real as the invisible world of electrical forces I understand would serve as a testament to the truth of my message. I BELIEVE IT IS IN MY VOICE THAT A FORMAL DECLARATION BY THE HEAVENS IS TO BE MADE- AN AGE OF UNITY IS TO BEGIN.
Hello David,
I informally met you at the Ritz club in New York City on June 9 1982. I went with my friend Mick Zangl. You were with your friend Mick Jagger and the band playing at the Ritz were the Professionals. You and Mick caused quite a distraction with your presence at the balcony level. I decided to come up to the balcony level and catch a glance of you and Mick. There was a crowd of many people around you and Mick, amazing how excited some people get when in the midst of stars. You guys were trying to have a good time, but the crowd was intense. I simply stood on the outskirts of the fans of at least several people thick, I caught my glimpse of the two big stars and I was happy, I was about to leave as my eyes were looking away, you pushed your way through the crowd and tapped me on the shoulder. You looked me straight in the eye and said "Princeton……right" in a confident way. Well, I never been to Princeton university and immediately I figured you have me mixed up with someone else, so I was speechless as I didn't know what to tell you. So you said it again "Princeton". I don't know why I said "yes", but I did, I guess to make you feel happy that your memory was correct and I was simply some student or someone from Princeton that you met in your many travels. When I said yes to you, you seemed very happy and nodded to yourself and made your way back to the table where Mick was sitting. I always remembered this moment as it was the only time in my young life at that time and still is when a major celebrity made contact with me, even though he thought I was someone else. It was memorable to me.
Well, I went about my life with no connection to PrincetonUniversity until the year 2003. All my life my pursuits were of science. Since I was a teenager I said to myself I was going to control gravity with some kind of machine I would build. Well, after many years of trial and error with various machines I had to stop as it was taking a major toll on my health and financial state. The great majority of my work is built upon the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. I decided to go to PrincetonUniversity just to walk the halls in which my favorite scientist had taught in his life here in America. It was a personal connection for me and it felt good just to visit his old classroom and visited his teacher office. I had no intention whatsoever in what followed as my only purpose was to visit the school where Einstein had taught. I got this crazy idea that I would write all my ideas on the blackboard in his old classroom in which he taught. Like a "mad scientist" I wrote all my ideas on the entire width of the blackboard, from one side of the room to the other I wrote my attempt at unifying physics, something Einstein tried to do along with many physicists, a goal in physics in which has not been done to this day. I titled the writings" Einstein did unify physics" as I believed I have uncovered some things not known in his time. It was my way of closing this chapter of my life or at least taking a break from gravity for awhile.
That is my Princeton story. In the course of my investigations on gravity, I discovered a way to attempt nuclear fusion. What this means is that the energy crisis will be eliminated with an unlimited and clean source of fuel for our children and all eternity. The fuel in my system is WATER. Hydrogen and Oxygen. If that sounds amazing to you, tell me what in this universe is not amazing. To continue, I recently seen a movie called the Prestige. I was told that it was YOU who played the part of Nikola Tesla.
Well my friend, my name is Sam Azar and I have discovered the greatest invention since the caveman used two sticks to make fire. "Not two sticks, but two electrodes". An unlimited and clean fuel for mankind to advance into the 21st century. I conducted my first real experiment on Palm Sunday this past April. In a nut shell, I have demonstrated the power of a lightning bolt to resonate inside Water itself. The driving force in my system is Nikola Tesla's Induction COIL! INVENTED BY NIKOLA TESLA HIMSELF OVER 100 YEARS AGO.
If you believe this is more than coincidence, then please come to my aid. I need you in helping me expose this idea for humanity. Specifically, in order to prove me right, it is my focus to convince the Westinghouse Corporation ( leading supplier of all nuclear power plants) to remove their fission rod assemblies and install my electrode system and conduct a safe and clean FUSION process with WATER itself. I have always walked in the light with a strong belief in God. The time has come to give energy to all of civilization. This is exactly what Nikola Tesla tried doing to his last day on Earth. I have completed that mission. The Tesla coil has now found a noble place of use.
Sam 22 2007
That letter to David Bowie is a testament to all human beings and our own thoughts at certain times that some events are not coincidental- that there is another level of communication and logic to the nature of things-even if we do not understand them at the time- if one was to search the internet-you will find a video of myself writing upon Einstein blackboard- I videotaped myself doing it- I think its funny- humorous- I never researched the life of David Bowie even though he was a large star in western media- I love some of his songs- but I am a scientist at heart and don’t partake in fan club excitement- thus-even though a big star tapped me on the shoulder- I have always just thrown it in the category as unrelated coincidence and moved on with my life with no second thoughts- until the year of 2007.
I found a picture of David Bowie on the net from the movie the Prestige. Absolutely uncanny how the lightning bolts are touching his feet- the answer to our energy crisis- this man who also played an alien in the movie “The man who fell to earth”- whereby his statement in the movie was “my business is energy”- so I then made the following statement---Ground control to Major Tom Jerome Newton- have you found energy yet----yes--- WATER--!!! David Bowie plays Tom Jerome Newton in the movie “The man who fell to earth-1975”
This is David Bowie playing the part of Nikola Tesla in the movie “The Prestige”
I obviously felt that David Bowie and I are somehow connected-somehow he sensed something about me in 1982 which made him speak up- I believe this connection is s gift from the heavens- to be associated with such a great man who has contributed so much for the arts in Humanity. I believe the importance of the connections is far greater- I knew nothing of this man, so I began to research him. I found out he had some kind of vision of a starman coming to earth with inventions and the will to help mankind- a voice for the children in some ways- this person was also called Ziggy Stardust- I believe I am this vision of Starman. David Bowie had this vision prior to mans landing on the moon- mans entrance to the stars themselves- I believe the heavens have purposely guided me my entire life on this planet- I am not an alien. Someday all humanity will fully understand that our internal spirit is connected to the universe far more than presently understood. I AM STARMAN- I was born and named after King Solomon of ancient Judea to a Christian Arabian family- thus, my named spelled in America at birth is to the prejudice name of Suleiman. This is how to separate between Ishmael and Isaac- between Arab and Jew- right from the beginning of my life starting with my name- I was set up to learn the ways of prejudice. I go upon the internet with this wonderful spiritual gift connected to David Bowie and try to stimulate many to investigate. I go unto Bowie blogs-fan club sites- and myspace to spread this fascinating connection. For you see- if I only talk science-many will not understand and become intrigued to even read about me. Thus, spiritual talks of connections between human beings- we are all amazed at these connections as we all encounter them. WHY would I care to have so many want to know of my life- IT IS MY DUTY TO DO SO.? For example- if you honestly believed you have solved the energy crisis for mankind- would you not do everything within your power to have others informed- I was fully aware before I embarked upon the road of speaking about connections to David Bowie and others that this would be viewed as crazy to most people- even though all people praise god every day in their lives and knock on wood for superstition-But I honestly feel I have been communicated with by the heavens over ten years of my life- words of unity and peace- a conviction to be a messiah- IS IT NOT MY DUTY TO STAND UP AND ASK TO BE EXAMINED- YES!
Several weeks go by and I then write this letter;
A question to Jean- Jacques Annaed, director of the film Quest for fire
Dear Jean-Jacques,
I highly enjoyed your recreation of early mans discovery of fire by two sticks in 1982. My name is Sam Azar, I have created fire in the 21st century with water as my fuel, not with two sticks, but with two electrodes.
I recently wrote David Bowie, artist/singer/actor, a letter in which I portray I believe our two paths are of either fate or coincidence. I believe connections are real, ever since my completion of experiments on this previous palm Sunday, many connections have become visible. I would like to share some with you as these connections I have pertain to your film-Quest for Fire.
Let me start with several questions for you and then I will tell you what I see. 1.why did you choose the badlands of southern Alberta for your opening and closing scenes of the movie. Also, why did you use a can of gasoline for the fire and not wood 2. Because Anthony Burgess was not available for creating the language of the Ivaka tribe, you simply substituted actual Inuit Indians as the voices for the “enlightened tribe”. what tribe of Inuit were they, and why them, also, can you please have someone have a translated version of their chants and conversations to the “shadow people”
This is why I write you. At the end of this letter, I will send you a copy of my letter I sent to David Bowie. On my website in which I posted a copy of the letter to David, I also put a picture of your film at the bottom; this may easily be created on a webpage, simply text and images. Thus, a letter of text with an image of the cover for your movie. As you are aware on the cover are the three caveman and one cavewoman. Everett is holding the fire carrier. When one views this picture, the fire almost resembles a STAR as the lines of illumination emanate from the fire. This was intriguing to me as with so many other connections I have uncovered, however, I will only relate one such connection with you in which I find fascinating. I have received the conception of writing to David in a place called the Valley of the Gods in southern Utah, (ALONG WITH MUCH MORE) next to the town of Mexican hat. This should be on any map. The Navajo translation for this area of the valley of the Gods is Warriors frozen in time. It was a remarkable place with a billion stars at night and coyotes singing. I was alone on this trip as most of my many trips throughout North America for enjoying our great national parks. I ended up on this route thru Utah as my intention was to go the southern rim of the grand canyon and perform my annual hiking adventures. HOWEVER IN REFLECTION- I DIDN'T NEED TO GO ON ANY TRIP AFTER MY DISCOVERY- I WAS SUMMONED AND LED TO THIS PLACE. It was getting dark and I needed a place to sleep for the evening, I drove by a sign that said Valley of the Gods and I followed the dirt road into the middle of nowhere surrounded by majestic columns. A very special place. Needless to say, one of my strong thoughts that evening was to contact David upon my return to home, several days of driving by auto. Before leaving I took a rock from a firepit in this desert, a souvenir for me. Why not, fire pits, anything with fire is on my mind now in light of my discovery. I come home a week later, I write my letter to David and paste your picture of quest for fire on my website
After several days I realize this star fire and I want to watch the video again, as you know the first scene and last scene in your movie is the fire in the middle of nowhere in the badlands of southern Alberta, close to a town called Medicine hat, remember Mexican hat is next to valley of the gods. I have lived slightly north of the badlands in Edmonton and Athabasca as I lived there for two years in early nineties. I have definitely driven thru the badlands on several occasions, and walked about in a short time manner as I was on the move. As you know the Inuit Indians are a local peoples of the northwest territory, my only connection to them is simply learning a beautiful phrase to live by if you are a person who pushes the limit in both physical and mental endeavors-go until the body can go no further, then move one, this is when the eagle will let go--- I have pasted this phrase on the bottom of my site also, I have lived by this creed along with others for a very long time.
I speak not of the connection between both of these places as being next to a town with hat in their names, Mexican Hat and Medicine Hat which do have similar meanings in native American history. My fascination is that when viewed from a map. THESE TWO LOCATIONS ARE EXACTLY IN LINE WITH EACH OTHER IN REGARDS TO LONGITUDE. The distance between them is more than 1000 miles. I have created fire with two electrodes with use of an unlimited and clean fuel source--water. Your movie is quest for fire with two sticks. I am very curious what the actual translations of the Inuit Indians as they spoke to the shadow people (the enlightened peoples who possessed the mastery of fire).
Sam Azar June 1 2007
I posted this letter on the internet for many to view- I found it very interesting- WHY- I saw this movie the same year I saw David Bowie. This movie left such a strong impression on me as a teenager. It is the quest for fire- for energy- for the advancement of mankind itself by way of mastery over the elements. It was absolutely amazing I seen this as a connection.
I then begin to write the ideas in my mind I have been endowed to receive from the heavens and post it on the net- this was the first draft I posted;
I have always believed in a god. I am grateful to have been born to two loving parents. My father and mother that have always provided for myself and siblings at the expense of their own lives, I thank you from the deepest of my heart. Since I was a teenager I made it my mission to find answers in science with a sole purpose of providing a benefit to mankind. I chose the study of gravity itself as I believed that someday I would unlock its mystery so that we as a civilization may use to our benefit. To control gravity would mean a great ease in moving objects from one place to another, you may call this transportation. It was my personal interests to have gravity control as a method for our use in space exploration. I am like many as an explorer. I have found many beautiful places on earth, and it is in this spirit I would desire to have this ability with the stars in the sky with some kind of ship. If you find this humorous, so do all my nephews and nieces as I have always enjoyed their enthusiasm when they ask their uncle sam when it will be done because they want to take a ride in it. That was my childhood dream and continues to be so. I have explored many educational institutions and formally obtained an engineering degree. I have always believed that the greatest institution within four walls was a library. In a library one may find all things from religion to science. I give praise to our fore fathers in this country who have instilled the need for a library in every town. When I was in my early twenties I learned a Native American saying which truly depicts my character in my pursuits, both physical and mental-particularly science. GO UNTIL THE BODY CAN GO NO FURTHER, THEN MOVE ON-- THIS IS WHEN THE EAGLE WILL LET GO. This is a statement in which any human being may adopt, it does not adhere to any one religion, and it is merely a simple but true statement in which it is up to us to find the inner strength to continue any endeavor. When coupled with the full knowledge in a great entity in our universe, one of which has created structure and order, I believe the answer to all our questions may be found. It has been said that to knock and the door will be opened, I must have knocked, kicked, smashed, and did everything to find answers as I have tried my best to leave no stone unturned. Then, at the age of thirty three I have received a clear message. All of us in some time of our lives have some connections, most of them keep us guessing and wondering, but never the belief in god that must be without question or debate, and this is what I believe. My message was as clear as all which is before me. With this message embraced, I held it to myself until I was ready. For me, I wanted to unlock something in science, a deal you might say between me and my maker. My first real pursuit into the betterment of mankind was not gravity but with a direction I believed I have seen in helping those of us that are sick with a virus. The HIV virus which causes AIDS was my target. I am a man of the electrical world, thus my ideas were of such. I believe a device can be built to resonant a frequency which would destroy or disable parts of the HIV molecule itself. I have pursued this goal vigorously for several years. In finishing this I have made a video of my intentions and method of approach with a spirit of understanding that someone else would continue with this goal. I have titled this video—PROJECTV20 --ITS ALL ABOUT VIBRATIONS”. The company I started in the late nineties for this purpose was called Unity Foundation. I called it projectv20 because of an idea I have created at the time. I believe in a utopian world in which someday the world will truly be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. A world free from separate armies and living together in a spirit of cooperation. We all have our own ideas when this might occur, and I had mine. I believed that a utopian world would represent a level of 300 in some kind of judging basis from zero of primitive to 300 as the attainment of a unified world. I believed my pursuits for a cure to aids was a 20 on the grand scheme of things. I do not belittle such an endeavor and my heart is with all that is sick with any ailment. I only acknowledge societies behavior and present level as what good is it to cure people of disease simply to dress them in battle uniform and conduct wars. I believe we have great work ahead of us and the future looks bright.
I now draw near to my disclosure of my message, but you must fully understand the world in which I have lived this past decade. I was given the greatest gift ever as a human being, my son Austin 15 years ago. Unfortunately, his mother and I have parted and so my son has lived with her since he was a child. I thank her as she has been an excellent mother to him and provided for all his needs. They both live in the vicinity of EdmontonAlberta, or shall I say Medicine Hat also of southern Alberta Canada. I have now lived 13 years without my son and I will tell everyone I WOULD NOT WISH THIS HARDSHIP ON ANY HUMAN BEING. It was in this framework of mind in which I labored in science to find an answer and live a better life for myself and my son as ANY NORMAL PARENT WOULD DO. I have heard every parent with their strong commitment to love their child and would almost certainly die for their child. I too have these same feelings but my separation from him only strengthened in me my pursuits to find answers. Upon the place of one of my favorite mountains to hike, a place in which to ponder science, my child, life itself, great places in nature have an ability for us to channel thoughts and ideas. The message I was given -- TO LOVE ALL CHILDREN IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT AN AGE OF UNITY. That was it at the time, and it was explained throughout the years in different ways. This is what I fundamentally believe; I love my child, I know that most human beings love their own child too; it is in this understanding in which the message makes complete sense. That to TRULY love your child, you must love all children, for in doing so, a generation of children will have been taught love, understanding, and caring for one another, thereby ensuring a greater love and security for your own child. Something in which we as parents can not do when our departing of this earth but only hope and prayer that our children's lives will be better than ours. THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR---LOVE ALL CHILDREN FOR UNITY.
I will now begin to tell you what I have uncovered within this message in order for it to actually be implemented. It is fine indeed to make such a comment to love the children, but my message given also contained the framework of how to do it.
I have said that I believe in god, I favor no religious group. I fundamentally believe that any human being on this planet of a certain religious practice is predominately this way because they were born into such a family that has practiced this form of worship. I believe ANY HUMAN BABY ON THIS PLANET MAY BE PLACED ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH TO A FAMILY OF A CERTAIN LANGUAGE AND RELIGION AND THAT HUMAN BABY WILL GROW INTO AN ADULT WHICH WILL SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF THESE PEOPLE AND WORSHIP THE GOD AND PROPHETS OF THESE PEOPLE.
For myself I have been born into a Christian orthodox church and I am well accustomed to the teachings of the prince of peace. A spirit in which I have great love for, but let me be clear as I love all prophets in every land and all people who love one another, especially people with a kind heart to children. I will tell you something about me in which I am proud of, I HAVE NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE PHYSICALLY HIT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING OUT OF ANGER, NOR HAVE I VERBALLY ABUSED ANYONE TO ANY GREAT EXTENT. I have only fought my fellow man within the martial arts, I have never ever provoked a fight in my life. I am not perfect and I have been known to have a severe harsh tone at times. I am not innocent completely, it takes great work to keep it together and I have done so.
Both my parents were born into christian families in the middle east. I am Semitic. I do not like these titles as I believe in saying I am a human being. But it is in this statement in which I have found the framework for the message to take place.
My father was born in the christian village of Amar in Syria upon the foothills of the castle Krak des Chevaliers. This was also the headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller (also known as by the British as the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem ) was an organization that began as an hospital founded in Jerusalem in 1080 to provide care for poor and sick to the Holy Land. The local people also call it the Lions castle- after King Richard The Lionheart of England. My mother of christain origins in the city of HOMS=65 km from Krak des Chevalier. I have visited the tomb of John The Baptist in Damascus. merely the head is entombed- for the satisfaction of a king and his love- The age of stupidity has come to an end, let no ruler or king or queen or dictator ever have command of our children's lives forever more. Because of my genetic linage and obvious physical traits in conjunction with family history location- I CLAIM BLOOD ROOTS TO KING RICHARD THE LIONHEART-A SPIRIT I CONNECT TO- I SEEK NO ROYAL POSITION TO THE THRONE OF ENGLAND- ONLY THEIR FULL SUPPORT IN ALL MY ACTIONS.
The Middle East was always a meeting place for many different civilizations, notably the Babylonians, Egyptians, Hittites, Hebrews, Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs, Kurds, Ottomans, Seljuk Turks, and Franks. This led to the creation of the unique architecture preserved in the Krak des Chevaliers.
I have recently disclosed two personal connections amongst the many I believe are real, one to David Bowie, and the other to Jean Jacques Annaed. I HAVE ALSO DISCLOSED MY FINALIZED EXPERIMENTS WERE COMPLETED ON PALM SUNDAY 2007 in which a video was made public, an interesting date indeed, however, a prior connection was seen in that the actual very first time I used a tesla coil to spark in water was performed 6 weeks prior to palm Sunday, I was accompanied by my two friends-Joe Preston and Jim blasé, during the actual 30 second window the spark occurred, it was also witnessed by two strangers looking into my door which has a glass window on it. These two individuals were Hasidic Jews, one named Wolfe landau of Brooklyn New York, the other my apologies for not remembering your name. I have never seen a Hasidic Jew in Allentown ever before, I have never seen anyone looking into my laboratory as I am the only person on the top floor. This was the beginning of peculiar coincidences indeed. I will now tell you what it means. Jean Jacque was the director of Quest for fire in which I saw in 1982, it is a recreation of early mans discovery of how to make fire with two sticks. The opening and closing scenes in this movie is southern Alberta Canada near the town of Medicine Hat. I have recently disclosed my scientific findings of making fire, not with two sticks, but with two electrodes, the fuel in my system is WATER, In a place called the Valley of the Gods, Navajo Indian translation of warriors frozen in time, next to a town called Mexican hat in southern Utah-USA, I was instructed to contact the famous singer actor David Bowie. I live in a town called Catasauqua,Pennsylvania-USA which in native translation means NEED RAIN OR THIRSTY GROUND. In this town in which I live, it borders the city of AllentownPennsylvania as only a river separates the two places. This river is named the Lehigh and it flows into the Delaware which continues to Philadelphia and subsequently the ocean., the town of my birth and the location of my laboratory in which I have successfully demonstrated how to obtain nuclear fusion for unlimited and clean energy. This building sits at the intersection of seventh and Hamilton streets. My laboratory is on the highest floor which faces the center square of the great city of Allentown. As with most cities a beautiful monument is within the center of the square and clearly visible by my windows which span the entire length of the building. If one is to look upon a map and connect these three points, one will find a triangle.
I did not see the triangle until the day after this very MEMORIAL DAY-. A day in which we celebrate our nation’s warriors for our freedom. By the grace of god and good fortune I somehow found myself in the following chain of events. It was on this day that I found myself in the part of our nations founder George Washington as I proudly escorted on foot our own Allentown liberty bell used in the ceremony to its resting place in the basement of the ZION REFORMED UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST located across the street from my building.
Upon placing the bell in its rightful place, I then had the great honor to actually RING THE BELL of the much larger and exact replica of our own nations LIBERTY BELL which is housed in Philadelphia. It is well known that the actual nations Liberty Bell was brought to this same very church and hidden IN ITS BASEMENT from the invading British troops in 1777 as the British would have easily melted it down and used for ammunition. I THEN PROUDLY READ THE ENTIRE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AS IT WAS WRITTEN IN ITS ACTUAL FORM BY THOMAS JEFFERSON--the declaration was enlarged to the size of a wallpaper the entire length of the room which made reading it clear. I am proud to be an AMERICAN citizen and a U.S. MARINE. Once a Marine- Always a Marine- Formally 13 weeks training Parris Island, South Carolina- 13 weeks camp lejune infantry training school-(0311)- graduated into the reserves and conducted my missions of science with a strong belief in discipline and respect for authority. I believe in the Betterment of mankind at the core of my ideals- A phrase by the Freemasons depicting our beliefs and ideologies in which our first president was a part of- "It makes a good man better"- I have enjoyed serving as chaplain in the Freemasons of the Allentown Jordon lodge.
After my scientific vindication- I expect all freemasons to give me their loyal support in the name of our founder- King Solomon from the house of David- a spirit without question which speaks thru me as do so many.
If one was to further split this triangle into two halves, one in which take half the distance from Medicine Hat to Mexican Hat and find the center point. Extend from this point to Catasauqua and continue the line. One may view this triangle as an ARROW pointing at something, by splitting the triangle in two and connecting to Catasauqua, one will find that in fact this makes the direction of the pointing arrow accuracy far greater. When one does such as endeavor, it will fall upon the site in which the light of god has shown itself through fire to MOSES. This place is MT.SINAI.
This is what I have been told by the message. I am Semitic. Someday the world will be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. And let the first steps be by those who have carried the message of the prophets since time eternal. All sons of Abraham, sons of Shem, in which the name Semites comes from but from SHEM. These people are to unite first as a demonstration of unity unto the world. There will be no country names of Syria, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Arabia or any nation with roots to SHEM. There will be one nation and it shall be called SEMITICA. The primary language of these united people will be English to signify that the world will someday speak a universal language in which we can no longer make translations by those that deceive all citizens. We as free citizens of the world must demand our leaders with the ability to converse in a language free from translation. What language you speak in your own homes is your fancy. In the great nation of America, a land in which is based a belief in ONE NATION UNDER GOD and that in which we all have inalienable rights in the quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all stood at the crossroads early in its life. It is known that the young America took a stand and thru democracy a vote between English or German which settled any further debates or talks of such nature. There was one vote left and it was of a man with German origins and language in which made the outcome- Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg. He obviously has chosen English as he knew it was the right thing to do for many reasons. I admire that man of Germanic origin for such an honorable act. I would call upon the great nation of Germany today to embrace the same choice. The German people have always been a great leading nation in civilization with roots built upon the ideology of unity. Let the German people make the transition of a new Semitic state language far easier by its own decision to adopt a national language of English. Let us fundamentally agree upon English as a world language and let this challenge extend to any nation.
The government of Semitica is to be built upon the hills where the law was first given to Moses upon MT.SINAI. Let this new nation be the symbol of unity for all mankind. It is in the interests of all human beings to encourage its life. Jerusalem, this is the place of worship, not for a select few in Islam or Judea or Christianity, but for every religion in this great world. A UNIFIED Temple in honor of all peoples EFFORTS to communicate with GOD SHALL BE BUILT. All residents within the walls of JERUSALEM must leave-ONLY THE PRIESTS MAY LIVE WITHIN THE OLD CITY WALLS. Compensate them above and beyond for their great sacrifice-and may all who have been driven from the holy lands return- let the world assist in this return in order to rebuild their homes. Within the walls of Jerusalem a garden of trees and flowers with many fountains of WATER will flourish within. Let the new temple be open to every human being on this planet without any restrictions for worship and sanctuary and let no door to Jerusalem be closed at this moment and forever more. In the eyes of god all religions which believe in peace and the love of children bring a smile to the creator as you as a parent would do so with your own child who is good to another and compassionate. to those that embrace a religion but curse another- your voices sound like the Babel of a donkey, let no human judge another with religion- have patience as we will all be judged in time.
I believe this message with all my heart. I believe there are MANY which have heard this very same message in one form or another, and we shall encourage the silent but strong soldiers of god. We will not convince everyone, but do not be angry or bothered by them, for what is at hand is the mission itself as THE AGE OF UNITY HAS BEGUN and it is in our unified strengths that will ensure VICTORY.
--The days of silence are over as the children cry from pain in all parts of the world. The light of god shines brightly upon us now as many of our forefathers from time ago scattered amongst the heavens have gathered to watch our every decision at this very moment. A great change is to occur with our civilization. We will embrace the message of love for all children and excite the will of our friends and neighbors. All wars between people are to stop immediately, instruct the young soldiers to lay down their weapons and seek the children in their vicinity and provide them with comfort and happiness, tell them to love them as they would their own brother , sister, or their own child themselves. Seek out and find those children which cry for food, hurt of pain, and want of shelter. We must divert all of our energy to the children; we shall gather the leaders in science and drive on until we have perfected this energy system which is abundant and clean to nature-water. With this energy we shall build children hospitals of the standards of a ST. Jude children facility in every city within every nation on this planet and stop the pain and suffering of the children. All of our efforts now must be for the children. THIS IS THE WILL OF THE HEAVENS- AN AGE OF UNITY HAS BEEN DECLARED-
This is a picture of me in 2001 with one of many gravity experiments I have conducted in my life. Even then with the lightning bolt upon my shirt I did not know destiny.
Sometime in July on a hot beautiful summer day I went to one of my favorite walking trails along the Lehigh River. I was driving on a dirt road to get to the path I wanted to walk upon when I found a brand new pair of sneakers in the road separated from each other by 300 feet- my size of 13- with the emblem of England on it- more specifically- a Star- I believe I received it because I was walking around everywhere barefooted in my training attempts and desire to cross the grand canyon barefooted- this was to be a publicity stunt to receive attention- the lord god said no- here are some sneakers for you- ha—YOU WOULD THINK that having a solution for the energy crisis your voice would be heard- IT IS DEPLORABLE- no one really cares- so I continue walking in my new pair of sneakers trying to stimulate people to investigate my life’s work in helping mankind- Thoughts of the 13th Apostle stimulate every time I see a sign of 13- of course my birthday also- NOT TO MENTION IT IS THE DATE OF JESUS BAPTISM THIS JANUARY 13 2008- I love this picture- its humorous- life should be enjoyable-sometimes I look up to the heavens and say- “Is this all I get out of a lifetime of sacrifice- a pair of sneakers-ha” if it is- I will always love GOD and my life in this fantastic universe.
This is the sneaker upon a map I have used for many years in my solo trips throughout north America- I have personally hiked and visited every major national park entirely alone- I have been blessed to have had the energy to have investigated and explored so many places upon my own strengths in America- I thank god for that- I have also visited almost all these places with this car- a Pontiac firebird- I still have this same car I seen Bowie with in the Ritz in 1982- to all places on the highlighted roads on this map- how fitting-A FIREBIRD- FIRE FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY- NOT TWO STICKS- BUT TWO ELECTRODES-GREAT FATHER- FUNNY
DID YOU KNOW THIS- The same year I see David Bowie and the movie Quest for Fire I also hear him play together with Queen for the song “Under Pressure” – the lead singer is Freddie Mercury. Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara on the African island of Zanzibar, at the time a British colony, now part of Tanzania. His parents, Bomi Bulsara and Jer Bulsara, were Parsi-Zoroastrians from India.
Some scholars have suggested that Zoroastrianism was where the first prophet of a monotheistic faith arose, claiming Zoroastrianism as being "the oldest of the revealed credal religions, which has probably had more influence on mankind directly or indirectly, more than any other faith".
The ninth Iranian month is called Azar, meaning 'Atash' or fire. The guardianship of the month has been designated to a goddess known as Azar. Zoroastrians celebrate the ninth day of Azar with a festival known as 'Azargan'.
Fire was so important to them that they created a goddess for it. Sanctity of fire has an ancient origin. All the tribes on the earth have praised the fire. Progress made by the human race is dependent on fire, which also produces steam and electricity.
I then have a wonderful day of conviction and joy in which I would like to share with everyone in a story I called GREAT FATHER;
I want to tell you a story, of what transpired on the day of Saturday August-25-2007, four months from my awakening via my scientific discovery this previous palm Sunday. It was a hot summer day and I decided to enjoy it by floating down the Lehigh River which borders my hometown and no less than one mile from my home. The point on the river next to my home is 8 miles from where the Lehigh River enters the Delaware River, and subsequently runs approximately 30 miles thru the city of Philadelphia and into the Atlantic Ocean. I drove to a point on the river of 7 miles upstream from my hometown- I was alone and the day was absolutely beautiful in warmth and sunlight.
This Lehigh River is not a raging one like the Colorado River-but it has many areas in which some have perished and especially when water levels are high- but today the water level was low and crystal clear. I should mention since I was a teenager my friends and I would swim in this river- swing from Tarzan ropes and play often-I was not much for fishing-especially on the side of the banks waiting for the big tug- instead- I would make my own spear and with goggles and flippers enter the waters for a face to face encounter-ha- I say these things for you to understand I am very comfortable on this river. This solo trip for me was one of relaxation- a small children’s raft from a department store suited this purpose.
Before I tell you of the trip, one should understand the captain of this vessel. On my graduation picture of my high school year book- underneath I mention some phrases as we are all required to say something- my last comment was –jamming committee. There is without question as I reflect upon my life, something I cannot nail down to a certain event, but one of which has changed my life. My pursuits previous to this were as a regular human being trying to make sense of the world handed to me by my forefathers- in school-in media-in culture-etc..However, I was always intrinsically aware of something far greater than us and what is visible-GOD and spirits- I was also very aware I had a great compassion to my fellow man- especially those that were weak and sick. I was never a bully and was very troubled by those that hurt another in speech and action. After this so called event- my eyes were fixed upon only one thought- FINDING A GREAT SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND- this was my feeling and has been so my entire life- gravity was my target. In order for one to tackle such a grandiose goal-one must begin a self imposed mission- similar to the military- a mindset was engrained in me- a phrase I learned later in my life serves this philosophy of my life- this phrase comes from a certain tribes of native Americans of the province of British Columbia Canada- this was a phrase for their warriors- a right of passage for these warriors was to traverse 300 miles thru the rocky mountains alone- if they make it back- they are men- if not- they are in the spirit world- this is somewhat like the agogee of an ancient Sparta- here is the phrase- GO UNTIL THE BODY CAN GO NO FURTHER- THEN MOVE- THIS IS WHEN THE EAGLE WILL LET GO- this means so much to me- and I believe you can find something in this too—before I found this term- I made up my own naive saying in my youth- the jamming committee. To my friends- they only knew me as someone hiking in the mountains often- and I might say most of my friends have gone with me once- and most never go a second time as I my intentions were not to listen to birds- but to push the limits of physical endurance- this is what people seen of me on the outside- for the inside I was filled with the academic mission of finding gravities puzzle- and I have tried to my abilities to push this mental barrier as far as I pushed the physical. The very first place I started hiking vigorously at 17 was atop a rock called EAGLE ROCK- a large rock at the top of a mountain that overlooks the valley I live in and is directly above the Lehigh River. I used to run up and down this mountain like it was the last day on earth-to the bottom-splash in the river-and back up again- several times usually on an outing. I presume this place is called eagle rock is because it is perched atop the mountain and on its edge with truly a birds eye view. I have never seen an eagle in this area in my life- but many people see turkey vultures and some species of hawks and thus most people just say eagle rock- I can understand this. I was privileged once in my life to have a seen THE MAJESTIC AMERICAN BALD EAGLE while driving thru the rocky mountains of British Columbia- along a river bank it stood with several others and it was an amazing sight to see in person-I have also hiked the surrounding mountains and repeated to myself the phrase of the local natives of the phrase I have given- this area is truly a beautiful area- it is the highway from Vancouver BC- to Edmonton Alberta- a grand road to drive indeed thru the rocky mountains. I would also mention this very spot I believe I have seen these Eagles were at a point horizontal to a point on the opposite side of the Rocky Mountains –of the Badlands of southern Alberta (a point of my arrow in direction to MT.Sinai). LET ME SAY A FEW THINGS ABOUT THE EAGLE-
It is said the eagle was used as a national emblem because, at one of the first battles of the Revolution (which occurred early in the morning) the noise of the struggle awoke the sleeping eagles on the heights and they flew from their nests and circled about over the heads of the fighting men, all the while giving vent to their raucous cries. "They are shrieking for Freedom," said the patriots. Thus the eagle, full of the boundless spirit of freedom, living above the valleys, strong and powerful in his might, has become the national emblem of a country that offers freedom in word and thought and an opportunity for a full and free expansion into the boundless space of the future. --Maude M. Grant
The Eagle became the National emblem in 1782 when the great seal of the United States was adopted. The Great Seal shows a wide-spread eagle, faced front, having on his breast a shield with thirteen perpendicular red and white stripes, surmounted by a blue field with the same number of stars. In his right talon the eagle holds an olive branch, in his left a bundle of thirteen arrows, and in his beak he carries a scroll inscribed with the motto: "E Pluribus Unum." The Eagle appears in the Seals of many of our States, on most of our gold and silver coinage, and is used a great deal for decorative patriotic purposes
The Bald Eagle is a sacred bird in some North American cultures- IT IS CONSIDERED THE SACRED MESSENGER
Since my discovery and my absolute belief I have uncovered the road to safe and clean nuclear fusion- all of which I have openly disclosed I have done so by the grace of GOD- my faith and understanding of the unseen world is as strong as the world of forces we see in front of us-electricity-matter-what we feel and see with our eyes. I have openly said that since the age of 33 I have received many enlightened words of UNITY from my dear lord- and it was my two way communication to such an entity that I will PROUDLY GIVE YOUR WORDS WHEN I DISCOVER A MAJOR SCIENTIFIC FINDING- my reasoning was because I have embarked on such a scientific quest since the age of 17 and it is not complete- with your divine guidance I shall follow and when the day comes in which I believe I have done so- I WILL DECLARE IT TO MY FELLOW CITIZENS AS REAL AS THE WORLD I SEE AROUND ME- thus, for tens years now I have labored for such a truth- and upon the day I have been summoned to a place called the VALLEY OF THE GODS- or in native American words- WARRIORS FROZEN IN TIME- I have been honored by a ceremony by the unseen forces-FIRST I WAS BLESSED FOR MY STRENGTH TO HAVE ENDURED THIS PHASE AND MY SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS- SECONDLY-TO GIVE TESTAMENT THAT ALL I RECEIVED FOR TEN YEARS WAS TRUE-AND FINALLY- THE REASSURANCE THAT THE NEXT PHASE BEGINS AND I DO NOT STAND ALONE-AN AGE OF UNITY IS DECLARED BY THE HEAVENS-IT IS IN MY WILL THAT TO SEE HARMONY IN JERUSALEM- THE BEGINNING OF A UNIFIED WORLD SHALL FLOWER FIRST IN THE MIDDLE EAST- THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN A WITNESS TO- THE SAME FIRE WHICH HAS SHOWN ITSELF TO MOSES-HAS DONE SO WITH ME AND I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A MISSION- I DO SO FOR THE LOVE OF OUR GOD AND THIS GREAT UNIVERSE—
I realize this is much to comprehend for you-and I know time will prove my statements—but until then all I can do is PREPARE FOR GLORY- I BELIEVE IT AND I NOW LIVE MY DAYS FOR SUCH-
So now you know my mind set- and here we go-floating down the Lehigh river on a glorious day to be alive indeed- when now two hours into my trip I pass EAGLE ROCK – I can see it as clear as day as I float calmly atop the WATER- I say to myself as I have done so a thousand times – go until the body can go no further-then move on –this is when the eagle will let go- my eyes turn to the right and behold- AN AMERICAN BALD EAGLE- majestically standing atop a solid branch of a mighty oak tree along the river banks- perched high above of at least 75 feet with only a slight opening of branches in which to see- WITHOUT THOUGHT AND HESITATION- I HUMBLY SAID THE WORDS- GREAT FATHER-GREAT FATHER-THANK YOU-THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE-
Great Seal of the United States
King Solomon, the son of King David, established Jerusalem as the city of justice and peace. His name reflects the original name of the city, Shalem. Solomon is said to have been given both "wisdom and knowledge", this is usually taken to mean wise government, the ability to distinguish morally between good and evil, and a thorough understanding of the universe. "Behold I have given you a wise and understanding heart; there has been none like you before you, nor after you shall any arise like you" (Kings 1, 3, 12).
The legend of King Solomon's Seal, of the wondrous signet ring which he received from heaven, is common to Judaism, to Christianity and to Islam. King Solomon's Seal, whose base is on the ground and whose tip reaches heaven, symbolizes a harmony of opposites, whose significance is manifold as much as it is multi-cultural. It reflects the cosmic order, the skies, the movement of the stars in their spheres, and the perpetual flow between heaven and earth, between the elements of air and fire. The Seal, therefore, symbolizes super-human wisdom and rule by divine grace.
In 1536 ce, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent ordered extensive restorations on the TempleMount and converted the church which had been built on MountZion during the Crusader conquest into a mosque. By building this mosque, Suleiman linked himself both to Solomon the son of David and the Davidic Messiah who, according to Christian belief, is Jesus. It was Sultan Suleiman's messianic consciousness which led him to develop the link between himself and King Solomon. On the walls which be built around Jerusalem are stone decorations in the form of two interlocking triangles Stars of David, known to Moslems as Khatam Suleiman and to Jews as Khatam Shlomo (King Solomon's Seal) whose function was to protect the city. The symbol of the hexagram, the star-like figure formed by two triangles, has many connotations, especially when it is enclosed by a circle; super-natural powers have been attributed to it in many parts of the world since ancient times. Beyond the Jewish national associations which have only become attached to it in the last few hundred years, the abstract element of the figure (which is connected to the celestial stars) and its geometrical completeness make it a universal symbol.
Thus, being born with the name of Suleiman/Solomon always felt special to me- I am Semitic- a peoples that in the course of human evolution and time have been communicated with by the heavens- thus, I always felt the possibility as to the sincerity of my messages as something real when the began 10 years ago.
I believe the main purpose of my time upon the internet these past 8 months were to describe my stories and experiences of life in order for one to understand my road to conviction as a messenger of GOD and to show others my personality and how I view life-
Here is a story of observation for you titled;
This is a story about miracles. The picture above was made by a 10 year old girl named crystal. I found this picture hanging on my cousins wall last night- his name is Thaer- I like to call him Thor-of thunder from mythical Greece- since i am trying to tell many people about my invention of lightning to end the energy crisis- it is fitting. So I go to my cousin’s house last night to check up on him- my cousin is like me- like everyone- trying our best in this world to make sense of it and live a good quality life. Some of us see more than others and try to help our fellow man as best we can- it is our duty. but it can be hard at times- we drive on the best we can- day in and day out- this is life- stay consistent in our beliefs in the higher purpose and live our lives this way- but it can be tough sometimes- this picture here is from THOR- he made it for himself and hung it on the wall several months ago- sometimes we just feel we need outside help- WE NEED A MIRACLE
don’t just believe in miracles-depend on them-WE DO LAUGH AT IT - we think its hilarious- but truth is- how many times do we really need miracles.
and then every once and a while-an outside voice- in this case a little girl-ten years old- no one whatsoever told her to make this picture for my cousin- we were discussing this last night- we were talking about crystal- our entire family cannot explain how since the age of four years old- she entirely on her own became a vegan- she absolutely refuses to eat animals since 4!!!!! she would rather starve- my cousin would tell me stories how he would go over to his sister's house and pick up crystal along with her brother- the two are different-even in the same family- Crystal is always upbeat and happy-no matter what- she seems to have understood long ago- happiness is a choice - a state of mind- there is no question in this life there are basically two kinds of people- THOSE THAT SEE THE LIGHT AND THOSE THAT DO NOT-YET-KEY WORD-YET-HOPEFULLY SOME DAY THRU WISDOM THEY WILL- point being- life is a choice- without question crystal is an exception - from an early age- she feels the calling to respect all life and help others- to not give in- but to continue in the face of adversity- LET ME TELL YOU MY EXPERIENCE OF CRYSTAL- about three years ago-she was 7- I went to Thor’s house to swim in his large in ground pool- many children were there- I am not the same as my younger days- but I still thank god for my strength- I have always been an exceptional athlete- and I love to play with children- they are a blast- so at least 5 kids and I are playing tag in the pool- I am extremely fast and very quick to dive under the children and evade them(ok-I know they are little) within the first two or three tries all kinds give up- EXCEPT ONE-CRYSTAL- she didn’t give up- I kept trying to evade her in the pool- from one side of the pool to the other-diving underneath to evade- I would turn around to see if she gave up yet as the other children did- SHE DID NOT- I WOULD TURN AROUND AND IT WAS AS IF I WAS LOOKING AT A TIGER- SHE WAS FOCUSED- SHE KEPT COMING- so I kept it up- I was getting tired- but by god I was not going to let this little girl beat me- so I continued- I SWEAR TO GOD I CONTINUED FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES AND THIS GIRL DID NOT GIVE UP- THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS WATCHING THIS TAKE PLACE AND THEY WERE LAUGHING AT IT- AS I WAS TRYING TO EVADE THIS GIRL WHO NEVER LET UP- THE SCIENTISTS IN ME WAS CURIOUS ABOUT THE DETERMINATION OF THIS LITTLE SPIRIT-SO I CONTINUED MY EXPERIMENT ONLY TO SEE WHEN DOES THIS GIRL BREAK-I WAS GETTING VERY TIRED- AND I WAS ON MY SECOND WIND- I COULD HAVE KEPT GOING BUT I STARTED TO FEEL I MIGHT HURT HER( ok- I know you think I just gave up before her- but I’m tough too-ha) I just had to stop- enough was enough- this girl was truly a warrior in my eyes- very rare- and I don’t know her well as I don’t see her much- but after seeing the picture on the wall last night- my cousin and I began talking about the amazing traits this girl has- the ability to be strong when many are weak- the ability to help someone when they are down- taking the time to write that picture for my cousin was a miracle- it is the little things such as this- and by many on this internet who take the time to send messages of unity and peace and shower you with love- BECAUSE- SOMETIMES WE NEED MIRACLES IN OUR LIVES- AND THEY ARE PEOPLE LIKE CRYSTAL-BLESSED TO FEEL THE INNER SPIRIT- AND TAKE ACTION- IT IS A STATE OF MIND-
this letter is for all the crystals out there-male or female for it doesn’t matter- to all those great spirits I have gathered as friends and met on this beautiful communication devise the internet- MAY SOME DAY SOON THE WORLD BE REBORN WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN IT IS FAR GREATER TO BE THE POSITIVE SPIRIT-FOR IT IS A STATE OF MIND!!!!
Here is another of my observations:Utopia- many of us with compassion in our hearts dream of a utopian world someday-whereby wars are eliminated and a world system is built for full cooperation in order to help our fellow man in times of need-to fully understand we travel through the universe on a majestic ship called earth together—some say this is a dream-impossible to ever implement- I SAY IT HAS BEEN DONE SINCE OUR TIME ON THIS PLANET RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES-LOOK AT THE CHILDREN- at the young golden age before we teach them about the monsters and such-before we teach them about the so called bad things in life- you see- Utopia is not only a possibility for mankind- it works completely everyday with children- all children love to play and be kind-of a pure innocence and gentile quality---then there come that period in life we all feel we must begin to harden our children- to put on a metal chest JUST IN CASE FOR THE FUTURE- some day we will all realize that the bad things in life that do exist are extremely few and far between to the state of civilization as a whole- THERE ARE MORE TIMES OF PEACE THAN WAR- LOOK AROUND YOUR NEIBORHOOD AND WORKPLACE- A SYSTEM WORKS FAR GREATER THAN KAOS- and we asadults have our best friends –how do we act together- are we not like little children- our metal chest is gone and we begin to play again like little children- laugh uncontrollably-think and dream and say all the amazing things we did so as children—- some day we will understand that even the bad people are nothing more than neglected and deprived and sick children that grow intoadults and need our help-- WE ALL DESIRE TO BE AS INNOCENT AS OUR YOUTHS-AS THE CHILDREN- UTOPIA IS POSSIBLE- IT EXISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU—PROTECT ALL CHILDREN-THEY WILL GROW INTO ADULTS WITH A PROMISE TO IMPLEMENT A UTOPIAN WORLD AT ALL TIMES
Another life observation: Truly all states are relative to an observer. I hear everyone want to prosper in life- to get a good clean job and or career and begin to grow and observe the world around them and enjoy it as much as possible at all moments. Surely I have heard almost everyone I met in my travels not have a thought of becoming a garbageman- or trash collector. but here it is- Relativity- where you find yourself taking out the garbage to the curb to be picked up by a nobody in the eyes of most people on a weekly basis- I have found one the most enjoyable events of my life. I have always since the age of 17 purposely pushed the limits of both physical and mental endeavors- so upon my late evening run ending close to my home i observe a person slightly jogging back and forth across the street picking up garbage--------hmmmmmmmmmm- I say----- immediately i do the calculations- he must do at least several thousand homes per night- where if you wanted to - you could sprint house to house and retrieve a mass of weights in between. This looked like a very interesting way to expend a large amount of energy. by the next day I was in the offices of the local city garbage company called BFI at 18 years old. I come from a very good middle class home- my intentions were simply to them I don’t want money- just let me on the truck -I will do the rest- for insurance purposes they could not- so I was on the books- and my adventures began- it was a strange phenomenon I ran into- for I quickly found a small percentage of people in this company with the same mentality- I remember a favorite partner-Tony Terrell- he was a priest from the nearby town of Bethlehem which borders my town of Catasauqua- this guy loved to jog a great deal- but also- money was also an issue for him- obviously not a large parish to support him- nevertheless- there were several individuals like Tony and myself that in which by the 2nd month we weeded everyone out off the company that did not run hard- I mean we made it like the Olympics- at least 10 separate crews per night would take a truck and hit the city- who ever got back first would get the better truck as your was driven off to the landfill to empty- we get a new driver and truck and finish the job- in the summer grass and so much from more activities of a summer usually took 2 trucks and sometimes three- a solid 6-8 hours of intensive running we made it- I was also blessed along with Tony the priest and several others to be very healthy- so the top three to come back always got a good second truck and ability to get home sooner.
Relative right- a state of mind- where I have no reason whatsoever with money and good family to do the most detested job most people agree on- and yet- I seen no garbage whatsoever- I seen 7-10 miles of running full speed- I seen 5-10 tons of weights everywhere- refrigerator/couches/stoves--everything went and I threw it myself-
This is my relative view of such a position- as I look back on my life of recent events which have formed my opinions. NO QUESTION everything was meant to be- everything was for a purpose- you see- what I found there running behind a truck off and on for 6 years during my early college years at my own free times- WERE PEOPLE WHO WERE FORCED TO WORK THIS POSITION- I met so many people at the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid. very poor people-half were ex convicts from prison -and they were the toughest for what transpired at this company was some kind of gladiator environment- and only the healthiest and strongest could keep up- I remember just like marine corps boot camp- a good percentage couldn't handle it and simply walked away- I have met the toughest people this planet holds- from the military- to the backs of garbage trucks and so called criminals that couldn't find any other job because of a system in which if you don’t have money-or good network in family- or friends- YOU WILL FALL THRU THE CRACKS AND HIT THE STREETS-
what I have observed. 1. all human beings are great- born perfect as a child with the ability of love creativity-imagination 2.the growth of a child is a function of nature and nurture: nature that it is a function of being born healthy which makes up a large part of our relative state- if we see someone born without a leg- we immediately understand a genetic defect and have patience and understanding- but the same argument is for the child born seemingly perfect on the outside has some mental issue which causes a mental instability- maybe even rage and temper and many actions of a good part of human beings- sometimes we find medicines for these people as children and let then grow under medication in order to alleviate the mental condition-NURTURE- if a child is not nurtured with good love and attention and proper diet will also have a negative impact--the growth of a child is a function of both nature and nurture 3.the state of a civilization and its care for the lowest level of Maslow’s pyramid- because there is not yet the perfect system of care in society to provide a base for people to live above the base level of Maslow’s pyramid- many children live in conditions of poverty and neglect- I see them in many inner cities and behind the garbage truck 4. these phrases we like to label people as convicts-bad people- and such- are merely people like you and me- we are all alike- I am sure there are plenty of rich politicians with many skeletons in their closet- but good money for lawyers to erase tracks- the poor people cannot erase tracks- they make a mistake once- and a record is upon them in which they are left to run the garbage trucks of life- it is being in this situation which continues the level of anger among them 5. To call these people bad-or evil is wrong- for I am sure their own mother or father would still love them - as I am sure any normal parent would love their child no matter what- AND THIS IS GOD TO ALL HIS CHILDREN- 6. We may judge others to be lesser than us- but the parents above understand the mechanism of why some people do bad things in the first place to get in trouble 7. Everything has a reason- everything has a purpose- and everything can be explained- there is no evil- but ignorance- there is no bad person- but sick and neglected ones. some day the world will fully understand all problems are by our own actions- and a society will be reborn in thought to fully understand it is up to us as an individual to treat everyone with the utmost of respect- and when we are healthy and of means it is our duty to help the general welfare of our communities- for in doing so- it also ensures your own existence- 8. Civilization has reached a point in its growth in which global connectivity reduced all borders of the earth to within hours of travel- to grow further as a race we must fully understand our place in this universe- 9. we are made in the highest form of evolution- we are spirits of great compassion creativity imagination and ability to love- and yet- most of us believe in two sides to a story to balance the equation-DO NOT TAKE IT TOO FAR- there comes a point to be logical and aware of our surroundings and place under the realm of greater powers in this universe- 10. we are to unite as a race of people eventually- the framework of such is to begin now in conscious thoughts and subsequently action- a world system in which there is unlimited unrestricted health care for all people- free from armies and war whereby the great surplus of energy expenditure in the military and costs of prison systems and much more can be integrated together to form employment opportunities and jobs for many in order to build the infrastructure of a healthy society- there is no reason whatsoever all parts of the world cannot be built up to the living standards of the best society- it is only our desire to do so- 11.BUT MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY-the children must be taught to be exceptional good to one another- to not be prejudice- to not be a bully- to care for another as the words of Jesus and many of all nations of wisdom have instructed to. it will be in our supervision as adults to teach the children a far greater way to live is merely what we teach them-
this is but a small example of what will naturally occur when a society has mastery over the elements and has the energy to fuel a society with guidelines in order to prosper- unlimited and clean energy to mother earth shall initiate an age of unity- all of it given by the powers above
Finally- to give this story justice- in the words of Gary Kareyva, MY friend since elementary school and got him hooked on the truck- 'ITS NOT GARBAGEMAN- ITS TRASH ENGINEER"
Also- quick funny note- the first night I took Gary on the truck- there is a place for an individual to hang onto each side of the truck near the back of the truck. we were hanging on each side as we were traversing several blocks to another destination- I love the way Gary tells the story- but its something like this----it was several hours of running trash on Gary’s first night with me- we both hopped on the truck -he’s on the right back end- I'm on the left- Gary’s shakes his head and he is saying to himself- HOW THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO THIS- how did I let Sammy talk me into this- as he was having these disgusting thoughts about running behind a garbage truck- he heard voices from the left side- he knew it was me egging him on with something as usual- he was disgusted for what he was doing- he kind of didn't care what I was trying to tell him- so he said very reluctantly he did lean his body back a foot or two and turned his head to the left to see what noise I am saying from the other side of the truck- when he did- an awakening for him- it was his golden moment to see from a totally different view point- not just what the majority sees- I WAS NOT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRUCK- I WAS SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOPPER- A LARGE STEEL BEAM RUNS THE HORIZONTAL TOP IN THE BACK WHICH CONTROLS THE WHOLE DOOR- AS THE TRUCK WAS FLYING THRU THE STREETS OF THE CITY- I WAS DOING PULL UPS- I SEEN GARYS FACE- I LOOKED HIM STRAIGHT IN THE EYE AND SAID- "ISNT THIS GREAT GARY" WITH A VERY LARGE SMILE ON MY FACE- Gary woke up in an instant- he immediately realized in a flash- we were together- no boss telling us what to do- running like extreme athletes in the middle of the night having fun sprinting over cars at times- yelling all night GO-and PACK IT to the driver so he keeps up with us as we want that truck exactly even with us as we ran house to house-
I have a great time everywhere I go- its a state of mind- its how you see it-not how others see it-its all Relative
Solomon Azar The 13th
The following story was my first attempt to describe my experience in the Valley of the GODS of southern Utah
A friend came to me the other day with an awakening he had- he said he went to an old friend's funeral. He was absolutely shocked at the incredible amount of people who showed up to this person's funeral. he started by saying this person was a loser- hooked on drugs most of his life- never made anything out of his self- at the end of his speech of describing all the negative accomplishments this man did- he began to talk of what he knew of him and why he went, and how he understood why so many other people there must of too- you see- this old friend of his was one of the kindest persons he had ever known- he just didn't have a bad bone in him- not a strong and productive one- but he also came from a broken family in which not much support and love from family members could possibly absorb those bad times we all go thru at times in life- and sometimes if anyone of us don't have anyone to fall back on- we will simply fall down to the floor- this funeral opened my friends eyes a great deal. he understood that life is not about the material gain- nor your aggressive tactics against others for your own pursuits- but rather- the great quality that all people admire in each other is our affection and friendship we give to one another- do not live like Ebenezer scrooge prior to being born again- you will not be loved during your life-nor after- but respect your fellow man and if god has graced you with strength- use it to help those that cannot.
BUT THERE IS ANOTHER REASON WHY I LOVE THIS MOVIE- not only is it the full meaning of the life of Christ- but because - IT WAS EXACTLY HOW THE SPIRITS DID THEIR WORK UNTO ME THIS PAST SPRING IN A PLACE THEY HAVE SUMMONED ME CALLED THE VALLEY OF THE GODS IN SOUTHERN UTAH- IN NATIVE AMERICAN TONGUE IT IS CALLED WARRIORS FROZEN IN TIME- I was never an Ebenezer scrooge in life- I accepted the life of the prince of peace as a child and have always lived a good life-I never hit another human being my whole life-and have always had a soft heart for children- the sick and weakest amongst us-ALWAYS- I am not perfect and have yelled more times than I cared-usually the closest ones to me as most of us do- - a stupid way for us to relieve stress with our closest family members and friends--but day in day out I have always tried to feel the light of god shine upon me in every action- it is a conscious thought to do so- and I have -- my life has been growth ever since- but there will always be room for growth and higher attainment of the light- and for me- my pinnacle of so many signs/connections/and conclusion were given to me in one glorious night this previous spring---
Just like the movie the Christmas carol- three times in the night with beautiful visions and messages into my soul-
Make no mistake about it- all troubles of man are by man himself- this is our time to show our great father what we can do
WARRIORS FROZEN IN TIME: this place in southern Utah-on a USA map it is called valley of the gods- I have written of it before-but today will be my first attempt to explain what came to me in vision- I do this now because of several people which do not understand why I am the bull in the china shop- however-let me start this off by repeating the same comment above-"I COULD SPEND A THOUSDAND YEARS IN TRYING TO EXPLAIN IT AND YET NEVER ATTAIN THE DIGNITY IT DESERVES"-- ok here goes attempt no. 1----- first why this place- besides the connections I have been blessed with to create an arrow to Mt. Sinai- it is deeper than this- IT IS AN ARROW- arrow of native American --at each point of this arrow I have spent years of my life in this self proclaimed sacrifice to find answers- there is no question I have lived my life like a circus performer-one of which is a lion tamer-whereby I have consciously laid my life in the jaws of the lion- the lion here is god-spirit world we believe- LET ME GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE OF MY TYPICAL BEHAIVOR- near the place called warriors frozen in time- is the grand canyon-
I Thank God for strength- here I am in the middle of the Grand Canyon.
I have hiked it many times alone- here is an example of my hikes- on one occasion I was with my two cousins in a rent a car on the south rim-one side of the grand canyon- I immediately realized this is golden opportunity for me- have my cousins drive 250 miles around the canyon to the north rim- I will troop thru to the other side of 26 miles and meet them- this plan is hatched in 2 seconds- I leave car and cousins with only water- time is valuable at 1pm- dark at 8-9pm---must hurry to climb out---needless to say this was an adventure- within 300 yards I fell and got hurt- my plan to run was lost- I will never make it by sunset-my response as I looked at my beginning point behind me-and the other side 26 miles away- OH WELL- I STARTED-LETS GO- sunset came and the light upon a tiny trail carved in walls of steep cliffs gone- had to stay the night under a billion stars to gaze as a warm comforting wind kept me safe from the cold desert nights- needless to say- it is so much more- my point is as you watch others and observe behavior for truth-so do they- the powers above- and I am sure I made many smile with my bold antics- THIS IS BUT A FRACTION OF A TYPICAL ACTION ON MY PART THROUGHOUT MY LIFE- I am telling you this for one main reason- I earned this and I know it- not because I said so- but because who told me-
you see- I had no idea this place was called warriors frozen in time when I went- I knew it only of the American name of valley of the gods as on my map--but all my visions were the warriors of all nations past- the people you respect in today’s wars to fight your conflicts and secure your peace and freedom have come to me- they have honored me in blessings for I my life has been the words of unity and peace but my actions were that of a warrior- mankind has progressed to a point in civilization that must yield unity- this should be obvious to many- but only with vision and time to understand the world around them will see it- I KNOW I AM THE BULL IN THE CHINA SHOP- I AM MARCHING- I KNOW THIS- I HAVE BEEN GIVEN ORDERS- TO YELL AT ALL THOSE THAT STILL SPEAK STUPID TALK OF WARS AND PREJUDISM AGAINST OUR FELLOW MAN- ENOUGH BLOOD HAS BEEN SHED- THIS IS NOT MY CREATION- THIS IS THE WILL OF THE HEAVENS- AUTHORIZED BY THE HIGHEST ENTITY - LEAD BY ALL OUR FOREFATHERS THAT HAVE COME BEFORE US-THE LEADERS WARRIORS OF ALL NATIONS PAST HAVE GIVEN ME THEIR BLESSING TO SPEAK BOLDLY- FOR MY WORDS ARE UNITY AND PEACE- THIS IS WHAT I HAVE WITNESSED THREE TIMES THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT IN THE MOST CREATIVE AND IMAGINATIVE WAY TO TALK TO MY SOUL-
This movie represents a glimmer of how they translate into us-all of us- we come from the most intelligent and caring entity in this universe- I AM PROUD TO SAY THE BOLDEST STATEMENTS
Here is another: once the earth was flat- once it was the center of the universe- once we believed the earth is the only place amongst a trillion stars that life may exist-- self delusion?? that we are the first to make it thru evolution- or do we begin to embrace ageless messages that we are made in the highest image of evolution- and our time here is merely for spiritual growth- our capability to treat everyone with compassion- it has been said to turn the other cheek- for he who hits you hits himself with verbal or physical abuse- he hurts his own soul-remember when you did wrong by another- did you ever forget it- or does it haunt you as you grow older- have patience and don’t judge anyone- we will all be judged in time at our behavior during our test on this planet--children know it when born- unlimited creativity and imagination- then by abuse and neglect by others shells of hardness shut out the light of truth- we spend a lifetime peeling back the layers to see again- IF YOU WANT A CLUE INTO GODS GREAT DESIGN- LOOK AT THE BEAUTY AND WONDER OF CHILDREN BEFORE NEGATIVITY HITS THEM—
Several weeks go by and I decide to write about my UFO experience I witnessed in 1987--My ufo story- the following is what I wrote and posted upon the net in the end of August;
God-spirits-ufo’s-----how do you like this ziggy stardust
This is my personal observation of the world around me- I write this story on my 42 year living. I have always believed in god since I can remember. I have been raised in a Christian household- so my love for Jesus is without question-- in my mind the life of this man/spirit was admirable-and if it is true that god himself would send his closest spirit of likeness of himself to earth- then it should be in our observation to live a life like Jesus in order to be closest to the entity god-
However, I believe god has sent many messengers throughout the ages to every part of the globe- I am fully aware the religion of an individual is predominately set by the living circumstances of their own family. For example- you probably speak your language and religion by the country you were born into and the family practice of worship. I believe any human baby of any race may simply be brought into this world to a particular family which practices a form of worship and speaks a common language within its border-and subsequently this baby will grow into an adult with this language and form of worship.
Thus, I consider myself spiritual-with full acceptance of every religion on this planet. I believe in the common messages in every religion of peace and unity of mankind- if there is anything negative whatsoever written in any holy book- I believe it is false and only placed there by the faults of man himself and it must be removed- for discussions and an understanding of god is one of advanced intelligence and love. My reasoning is as follows- since man began to congregate together and make sense of this world-the conclusions to the successful life of a civilization and race of people are built upon the fabric of unity and peace. Since the early days of Socrates and Plato and so many more of ancient times- it has been intellectual argued that it is far greater to be good than bad in the overall grand picture for a society to prosper and live on. This statement has nothing to do with god yet- for if a race of people must survive- there must be some forms of love such as a belief in peace and unity towards one another in order for it to survive. Now in the 21st century mans level of scientific intelligence and civilization has dramatically increased in which we can easily compare to an earlier time such as early Greece . if one was to read a book of ancient times, one quickly finds that the human condition has not changed at all. We are generally the same type of people as a species- we have the same problems in marriage-friendship-war-politics- as we did then- the only difference is our scientific knowledge and capability to master the elements around us. However, it should be realized one major difference has occurred- the abolition of many various gods. No longer do we believe the Greek gods have precedence over another race of people- nor the roman gods- it seems that time itself has molded mankind’s understanding of the entity god as the creator of all human beings-and not one single race of people is privileged over another but more so we are all created in the image of god equally. But how and why are we to mix this conception of god to civilization of a species called man. The 20th century is an amazing time indeed-man has now scratched at the surface of the dna code of life itself- the beautiful story of evolution and the building up of life itself- we have found an impossible amount of energy bound in matter through e=mc^2- we have been exponentially growing technologically because of a device called the internet- ALL OF THESE FINDINGS BEING DONE ON A TINY BLUE PLANET CALLED EARTH AMOGNST A TRILLION STARS IN THE SKY WHERE TIME HAS NO MEANING AT ALL- it should be readily apparent to the trained eye or even a scientist to draw a conclusion based upon our own lives now and recorded in history the following conclusion- Evolution is true- it probably has done so many billion of years ago-we are not the first to play with dna- but in fact have been told we are made in the image of an entity that has done so before our time- and our purpose on earth is to enjoy this life as much as possible with full respect to every other human being-and if it is within our power and means- to help those less fortunate than us so that they may enjoy their time on this planet- these are the common messages by all spiritually endowed throughout the ages- to ignore it would admit ignorance and an inability to have faith in our fellow man- and here it is- the greatest test of all-FAITH- is this not our only requirement our creator has given us- to believe it is true- we come from something far greater and we must try to live to the standards given to us by messengers- it is true our understanding of this world is relative to an observer for what we learn and observe makes our opinions- and in today’s times of television and internet we hear so many stories of others observations- let me tell you when I seen a UFO- an unidentified flying object- it was 1987 and I was studying physics at Kutztown University approximately 40 miles from my place of birth-I love physically working out and the nighttime is my favorite time- it was 11pm and I was in the university football field alone. I was atop a wooden platform skipping rope where the football instructor yells at the players. I was a good way through skipping and feeling the workout- I tell you this because it is not a college party but in fact when my wits were strongest- straight and physically active-thus it would be hard to pull the wool over my eyes- the setting is this; small university town surrounded by many farms- I was on a football field between two main buildings and I faced towards a direction away from the buildings into the football field--after the field about 150 yards was a tree line-after the tree line was a farm field full of corn for miles- it was dark with clear skies and stars in the sky- as I was skipping and feeling very strong I noticed a moving small light to my right in the far off distance- as I see stars in the sky- it looked like a tiny white light the size of as star about 50 miles away-just guessing- and immediately I figured it was a jet in the sky moving- Thus-as I was skipping rope and noticed this small light which looked like a star in the distance and was moving like a jet as I initially thought- it did not impress me at all- my eyes look to the left and then back again AND WHAT I SEEN MADE ME STOP IMMEDIATELY- this small light which I thought was a jet in the distance is now half way to my position- this thing was moving so fast it made me stop skipping rope- in the time span of first seeing it to me reacting was only a second- the time to look right and then left and then back again as I skipped rope- I was in awe- for this white light was not a white light at all- across the field in which I stood and stared-this thing traveled above the tree tops (approx 50 yards behind it-thus from me 200 yards)
This thing was about a third the size of the trees as I looked at it race across my view-maybe 30 feet in diameter- a perfect round sphere red in color- no doors-lines-wings-anything- completely round and a glowing red- like a soft red light on a brake of a car- perfectly round with no tail like a comet- can you imagine how I felt- its not over- right behind it- approximately 50-100 feet behind was a smaller blue one in the exact line of travel as the first- but this one was a third the size of the red one- same as the first in regards to obvious lines or markings on it- simply a perfect sphere of light moving with incredible velocity right in front of me- you can think what you want at this stage- but I will tell you this- I knew immediately this thing was not of this earth- and I wanted to be the first to find it. As I stood on this platform and watched this thing fly across my view in less than 2 seconds and it seemed like it landed approximately 2 miles away at a 30 degree angle- I immediately flew off that platform and into my Pontiac firebird parked about 30 feet away- I WAS GOING TO FIND THIS THING- I zipped out the parking lot of this university with no care whatsoever for wreckless driving as I would want the police to follow me- I drove ¼ mile to the main intersection of the university-made a right onto the main street and continued past the college town and into farms fields-about 2 miles-at least 100 miles an hour- I took a road that beared left as I believed this was the best estimation of its landing( for what it is worth- the majority of my life is hiking extensively in the toughest forests- most of which I do alone- I have a good sense of direction and not known to be afraid of anything at night) my mind was filled with the energy of finding this thing- it took me at least 2-3 minutes to make it here- and needless to say I was pumped- I believed this spot on this dark road was it- I pulled over like a race car driver - it was a small patch of grass area of at least 20 feet wide and then into a small area of trees and an opening behind It as this is what I deduced driving into this area from the road- HERE IS MY FEELING- FROM SEEING IT TO DRIVING OVER TO FINDING IT I WAS PUMPED UP WITH SO MUCH ADRENALINE- AS SOON AS I HOPPED OUT THE CAR AND INTO THE TALL GRASS TO THE AREA I BELIEVED IT WAS IN- MY MIND CHANGED INSTANTAENOUSLY- DON’T GO FURTHER- YOU DID ENOUGH- LEAVE-
I believe I was tested- encouraged in some ways- for what happened to me in 1987 kept me on my initial goals of finding a major scientific advancement for society and there is no question it has done so- for at this stage in my life- I was reevaluating my life- why do I spend so much time on science when most others play-have fun- make money-when most of my mental energies are spent on science- for some goal and dream that was put into me at the age of 17 to continue in science-
THAT IS MY UFO STORY- I bring this up because it is now time to talk of GOD.
We have been made in the image of the greatest entity in this universe
THUS, TALKS OF ALIENS IS RIDICULOUS-IT IS US IN DIFFERENT FORMS- as we are the privilege species upon this planet of all the creatures- it is us in which we are part of in this universe- our physical life here is a growth period to cultivate our spirituality AND THE OBVIOUS THAT LIVING IS A GREAT JOY-
we are here to live and love life in this human vessel –to treat every human being upon our travels with respect and dignity as an equal
an age of awareness in technology and observation is clearly evident in the 20th century-the time has come to know our place in this universe
there is truth to some of the prophetic messages given in earlier times as to what will happen in the future- this future is now- with the detonation of two nuclear bombs upon civilian cities this century –knowledge of DNA- the advent of media to enlighten people we are the same-a gathering of our forefathers has occurred and spiritual connections are being delivered far greater than any other time-
all human beings are the same- we speak different languages and worship in different ways-but this is merely no different than wearing a red shirt as opposed to a blue shirt- WE ARE EXACTLY THE SAME
and then I found this- THE FOLLOWING IS A GIFT FROM THE HEAVENS- IT IS TO SOLIDY IN PEOPLES MINDS I AM STARMAN- to prove I am connected to a major figure in society- That the amazing vision this man David Bowie had of starman is actually true- for it is the intentions of the heavens for me to deliver a message-
OCT 19 UPDATE- - so I went to my cousins house last night- he is the son of my moms brother- he lives next to his parents about three houses away-these are row houses in the city of Allentown-pa- when I was child I lived in a building several houses away on the next block- several times others keep asking me why do I pick on David Bowie-- I see it completely how we are connected- it is my gift by the heavens ensuring my science is seen by many-and done so by a messenger-for without question David has been used by the heavens- as all people are at times- I RESEARCHED this mans past- his uncanny life of ziggy stardust or starman IS ME-THIS STARMAN WAS A PERSON OF THE FUTURE WHO CARED FOR CHILDREN-- I am the vision he had as a young adolescent- he thought of ziggy-and major tom and all that jazz in 68-69??? still David hasn't called to verify- but- there HAS ALWAYS BEEN SOMETHING IN MY LIFE I COULD NEVER EXPLAIN WHICH HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I WAS THIS AGE IN 67-68- IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL VISION OF A CHILD- I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM- BUT SO VIVID- just like the ufo story of mine 1987-AND I ALWAYS FELT IT WAS REAL SUSIE- ALWAYS- ITS GOING TO SOUND RIDICULOUS- BUT WHAT I REMEMBER IS SOMETHING LIKE SANTA'S SLED STREAMING THRU THE SKY WITH SPARKLES AND STARS TRAILING IT-IT WAS A MESSAGE WITH A CHRISTMAS THEME- I ALSO ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS SCENE AS A LITTLE CHILD STANDING IN THE FRONT PORCH OF MY HOUSE LOOKING UP- I know this sounds funny- but I don't remember anything as a child- but this- and then- that ufo story I gave last month- what I seen in 1987- lights of the sky-I wish I was in person to say this- but anyway- I decided not to just walked to my car after leaving his house last night- I walked a little more to the house in which we lived-my father owned 2 side by side buildings in which we lived in both-grandmother in one section- some cousins in another-the buildings are 444-and 446- they both add to 12 and 14- with the average of 13!!!-building 444 is exactly like 446-but approx 10 years ago the front was closed in as seen on the picture covering the front entrance to the door (my cousins father who still lives in this area has confirmed it to me this morning- both sides have the exact same opening)-(just for kicks- the progression of 12 to 14- well here come 16 too- after my departure from my child 13 years ago-I have now lived 13 years in the sanctuary of my parents home to perform all endeavors-my address is 529 Bethlehem road---5+2+9=16)but that is not what was very funny/interesting/coincidental-ha last night- for on the porch of these houses are tiles in the designs of Solomon's seal- I have been blabbing ABOUT THE STAR OF SOLOMON FOR YEARS-
the schools address is the name of road that I seen the ufo or shall I say - lights of the sky- was on sharadin road in Kutztown , Pennsylvania
there is a building NOW that sits upon the site I pulled over where I believe it landed-it is an unmarked building- I found someone working inside-he said it is a company that PURIFIES WATER- he also said the owner made some kind of tree memorial in the back- he doesn’t know why- and owner wasn’t anywhere to be found- and I’m done with this story- I KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON- THE LIGHTS WERE THE POWER OF SPIRITS- THE VISIONS I HAD IN THE VALLEY OF THE GODS WERE A GRID OF LIGHTS REPRESENTING ALL OUR PAST SPIRIT REPRESENTED BY THE WARRIORS OF PAST BATTLES- FOR IT IS OUR PAST WHICH NOW STAND FOR US IN SPIRIT TO LET US FULLY UNDERSTAND – WARS MUST COME TO AN END-I AM A MESSENGER OF GOD- I WAIT FOR MY FELLOW MAN TO UNCOVER ME- I HAVE DONE ENOUGH
I then write a story addressed to all soldiers of the world- it is my initial attempts to give words of unity to soldiers so that they may begin to embrace an understanding we are all one
To all soldiers in arms
To my fellow Marines- To all soldiers in arms. I have uncovered the warriors sacrifice from time immortal and give you a unifying battle call so that you may begin to understand all people on earth are our brothers in arms. The world will be one nation under GOD. The days have come whereby we will replace our weapons for tools of growth. Standing armies will change direction of action and thought of violence to one another to that of a builder of nations- roads-bridges-electricity-hospitals and all forms of modern civilization will be the mission of all armies- for truly wars against man are things such as poverty-sickness-and prejudice.
The answer to histories sacrifice of 300 have been revealed. Captain Samuel Nicholas was commissioned as the Continental Marines' first officer on 28 November 1775. By December 1775, five companies of about 300 Marines were raised. Among the newly commissioned Marines was Captain Robert Mullan. In December 1776, the Marines were tasked to join Washington's army to a brigade of Philadelphia militia. Captain Mullan's roster lists two black men, Issac and Orange, the first recorded black Marines, and the rest of the Marines were men of all foreign nations seeking freedom in the new lands of America. They assisted Washington in the decisive American victory at Princeton and paved the way to the founding of the greatest nation to represent all peoples of the earth- The United States of America.
To Honor King Leonidas of ancient Sparta and his brave 300 men. For the first time in history a formal declaration made by a tribe of human beings to defend the beginning of a new concept at that time- AN AGE OF FREEDOM. To live amongst our own people of tongue and culture- to not live under the rule of a foreign ruler. Throughout the ages since leonidas and Sparta- all countries have taken turns from being the defender of a nation to that of being an aggressor- how ironic indeed of the 21st century the roles of tiny ancient Sparta and its legacy now confront ancient Persia.
Let it be known now to all living that we have been given a great gift as a generation of people from the heavens. It is our duty to end the cycle of violence to one another. AN AGE OF UNITY HAS BEGUN. All soldiers of standing armies- you are soldiers of god, and all who have come before you in ancient battles look upon you and give you strength through spirit to begin to embrace all peoples of earth as brother in arms.
It was energy of fire which made man come out from hiding in our caves. To make dominion over the animals and nature on earth. To not be afraid of the mighty wolf in nature, but instead- to tame the wolf into a helper and friend of man. I offer the call of the wolf as a battle cry between brothers in arms- HAWOOO. LET US ALL UNDERTSAND WE ARE ALL SOLDIERS OF GOD.
The following is what I have been endowed to say by the heavens of Adolph Hitler and the world wars; my opinion of Adolf Hitler. Without question Hitler was the Judas of the 20th century. Tasked with the ugly duty to bring to a head the prejudices of all nations and cause the biblical Armageddon that has been foretold- without this event it should be clear the return of the chosen people to Israel would not have taken place. To merely denounce Hitler as an evil man would admit your ignorance as a human being and the ills of society. Truly the roots of all evil are found in prejudice-from one persons opinion over another on race-color-creed-religion-whatever= it is prejudice that results in mans ignorant and violent behavior over another.
Adolf Hitler was no different than any nation leader during his time and for that matter for most of our ignorant history. During his rise to power Hitler’s belief in Aryan supremacy was a product of the Eugenic movements from Darwinism evolution. Even America was only half a century away from slavery and its segregation policy was still intact and did not change until the 1960’s. All nations had prejudices over one another and still continue to some degree today.
There is no question that one must include world war one as part of world war two- thus- these two wars are in the same. Remember the beginning of the first world war- how nation states of Europe gallantly and proudly marched to war as their adversaries were beneath them in culture and status-they marched as they always have for king and queen and whatever reasons were given for the moments- this was the first mechanized warfare in making killing wholesale without an eye to eye encounter. To the second world war of even more hatred to one another as races of people- from concentration camps to simply killing prisoners because they are extra baggage to handle- there was no respect to human life whatsoever from anyone. This war was symbolically ended as predicted by the prophets as in great plumes of fire and smoke- with not only one atomic bomb but two dropped on civilian cities. Without question these two wars are the signs given in our past and are testimony to ourselves as we should learn from these events to declare a recent statement ideology- NEVER AGAIN.
Over 100 million people died in these wars and some still walk amongst us today to remind us of what horrors occurred. Some people have honored this generation in words as the greatest generation of our time for their great sacrifice that has created in this world a far greater system of UNITY than what was prior to the wars.
There is no question in my mind that since the time of the renaissance and rebirth of human evolution of thought and understanding- that all scientific endowment has been by our creator- in the pinnacle of this technology has been the media and television- it is these instruments in which have been given to us so that we may understand in our viewing of one another from all parts of the world- THAT WE AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE ALL EXACTLY THE SAME- WE ALL SHARE THE COMMON VALUES OF LOVE AND CARING FOR FAMILY AND CHILDREN- WE ALL HAVE BY MAJORITY HAVE A SENSE OF A GREAT SPIRIT IN CONTROL-WE ARE EXACTLY THE SAME AND SO TO CONTINUE WITH ANY FORM OF PREJUDISM IS ONLY TO ACCEPT YOUR OWN IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY.
The advent of television has occurred after the great wars. Society has been growing as we watch one another and appreciate this fact of our similarities to one another. Without Question- it was Adolf Hitler’s mission to show humanity the consequences of prejudice. And so now we stand as a world in the 21st century- faced with a choice- UNITY OF ALL PEOPLE AND NATIONS WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE BETTERMENAT OF MANKIND OR DIVISION UNDER THE REALM OF PREJUDISM WHICH WILL RESULT IN EVENTUAL WARS BETWEEN NATIONS.
There shall be no more stupid talk of an upcoming Armageddon- for to do so would admit your ignorance to the Armageddon that has already occurred- to disrespect 100 million people dead- to disrespect the dead of the holocaust-to disrespect those that still remember the wars and live with us today.
This stupid talk of Armageddon by some in this so called baby boom generation born out of the great wealth and prosperity of the sacrifice before them- this generation of sex-drugs-and rock and roll and whatever spoils of war it possessed must understand their unholy understanding of these facts.
I believe in these statements as I have been given a message of unity by god. I believe many of us have been. I see signs of unity all around us in society. I understand there are those that still are ignorant to such a view and want to continue violence and separation from one another- but I know without question these people are THE MINORITY- IT IS THE MISSION OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN UNITY TO STAND UP AND BE HEARD. TO CONFRONT THOSE THAT SPEAK STUPID TALK OF WARS AND VIOLENCE-
I then write this as a blog for the chosen people:
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE- I BRING YOU A MESSAGE--Patience- how many times do we try to exercise this trait when we embark upon our goals- or when we do nothing but lecture another when they seem anxious and energetic to their own goals. We say to ourselves patience is some kind of immense virtue- we say things such as life after death and a spirit lives on forever- yet we mumble life is short- TIME is valuable. Our time- or time according to GOD. It seems that a second in our lives is a century for GOD- for the master design is beyond our comprehension.
REJOICE- I am the bearer of a great message directed to those that believe themselves to be chosen by GOD-the Jewish people. SOME DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR. I WILL TELL YOU. It is known by many of the enlightened minds that for time eternal the chosen people have carried the message of god. In the words and bloodline of the Jews- messengers of god have communicated to many peoples of the earth. Christians and the bible are built upon the Old Testament. Muslims and the Koran are built upon the Old Testament. The commonality of all messages is peace and unity and absolute faith in a higher power. Now- look how patient our dear lord has been. The chosen people to this very day in the 21st century still look for a message for themselves-as Jesus and Mohamed were not enough. THAT WAS ALWAYS GODS PLAN- FOR WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED IN THE WORLD TODAY IS A HUMAN RACE THAT STANDS AT THE CROSSROADS OF UNITY OR DIVISION. Throughout the ages it has been the Jewish people and their influence in society to bring unity among the gentiles- to mix the peoples- to spread unity among god’s children. NOW- IN THIS HOUR- AN AGE OF UNITY HAS BEEN DECLARED BY THE HEAVENS. THE MESSAGE FOR THE CHOSEN PEOPLE IS TO DEMONSTRATE UNITY THEMSELVES WITH THEIR ARAB BROTHERS-SONS OF ABRAHAM-SONS OF SHEM- AND ENLIGHTEN THE WORLD THAT WHAT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE- IS NOT AT ALL IMPOSSIBLE TO THE LORD GOD.
And then this happens;
-this is the triangle rock from the mountain today
I am holding the American flag upon the very hill I found this Triangle rock- upon the very mountains I have received messages of unity and peace for ten years- I HAVE HIKED THESE MOUNTAINS OVER A THOUSAND TIMES ALONE- BUT NEVER ALONE IN SPIRIT- it is located 13 miles from my home upon the Appalachian mountain trails- My solo hikes are like forced military marches- day or night- clear skies or blizzard- there is never an obstacle
This is the rock from the valley of the gods-notice the fire mark on it- it is a tablet from GOD- it represents a commandment given to humanity- AN AGE OF UNITY HAS BEGUN
Valley of the gods---warriors frozen in time-near the town of Mexican hat in southern Utah USA
Badlands of southern Alberta- near the town of Medicine Hat in southern Alberta Canada
For the first time in my life- I have now been at peace with my GOD- a thousand times I run up and down the mountains asking what for- what do you want of me- I FULLY UNDERSTAND- IT MAKES ME WRITE THE FOLLOWING IN LIGHT OF HOW I CLOSED THE CIRCLE- IN THIS CASE THE TRIANGLE-OF MY LIFE This is a love story I would like to share with you. Right before my eyes it was growing-but I did not understand. twenty three semester credits and I was overloaded trying to finish my engineering degree-my partner felt it-but then again how does one ignore a kick to ones stomach-there is no question all mothers fall in love with their child as they grow inside them- but for the father-it usually takes time- and my time happened during finals week- with so much on my mind- finish all courses with passing grades- find a job- having a baby-full plate right- and BEHOLD-
- TRUE LOVE- A MIRACLE IN MY HANDS-AN IMMEDIATE AWAKENING FOR ME-THE MIRACLE OF LIFE- I DID THIS- I MADE THIS- I MUST PROTECT THIS LITTLE CREATURE- ITS SO LITTLE AND FRAGILE- YET EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL AND INVOKES SUCH A WARM SPIRITUAL FEELING- for the first time in my life I have understood what true love is- not lust-nor superficial love between lovers- but a love of a parent to a child-one that evokes phrases such as- “I would die for you”-etc. you see, for me- this was the first time in my life I have understood the power of love-I have felt it with my own family of siblings-but not to this degree-it was a part of me and I will give my life for it. So now life continues with its trials and tribulations- and the love between spouses seems to falter for many reasons-and alas- I found myself with the most unfortunate situation of having to leave this little miracle- he was aged two 13 years ago. I can still remember the child’s face as I left the home and into a winter blizzard upon the plains of Alberta Canada just east of the Rocky Mountains. Back home to a family sanctuary in Pennsylvania USA to regroup and try to fix this terrible situation that has left me 3000 miles apart from my son- a picture left in my mind of a little child I could not erase nor would I want to.
and so it began- my initial quest of age 17 to find a scientific miracle for mankind and make a better life for myself has now just become paramount- for if I could finish something- I would have resources to see my son often- to maybe start a family life anew but with resources to keep my son as part of my life- and so it was at age twenty nine 13 years ago the beginnings of something built on the foundations of the love for a child.
For it is now- the 13th year of my so called quest to initially find harmony in my own life and child to that of the harmony GOD wants with all his children- you see what began and what has transpired is the story of a man who has spoken to GOD- for when it has been said to knock and the door will be opened- I HAVE KNOCKED KICKED AND SMASHED AT ALL DOORS IN MY PATH. since I was as child I have believed in a greater entity in this universe-and as a child I have learned of the life of JESUS and there is no question I have lived a life as taught- I HAVE TURNED THE OTHER CHEEK- I HAVE LOVED AND DEFENDED THE WEAKEST AMONGST US-I WAS ALWAYS A VOICE FOR THOSE THAT COULD NOT SPEAK- I do not know if I was born this way or simply helped along the way, either way this was the way I lived my entire life- TO BE GOOD TO ALL PEOPLE-
AND SO IT BEGAN- messages of unity from god when I was 33. three years into my journey away from my son trying to unlock some grandiose dream of deflecting gravity itself for use in space exploration/transportation-whatever- to manipulate gravity would be grand indeed- and this is what I chose since 17 years old- and I scream at the tops of my lungs for answers- knock on every door- turn over every stone- leave nothing to chance- ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE- THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY MOTIVE OPERANDI- so why not gravity. I have been blessed all my life with exceptional physical strength- please accept this as offering truth and not gloating- marine corps boot camp was Disneyland for me- I have hiked many mountains all my life-almost all of which I do alone-day or night- rain or shine- blizzard come what may- NOTHING IS AN OBSTACLE TO ME- NEVER WAS- NEVER- 20 miles from my so called sanctuary now in Pennsylvania is my favorite mountain since youth- I go at least twice a week for vigorous hikes to relieve tension-meditate-etc- and sometimes call upon the higher powers for assistance and guidance of our lives- it was here where it began the messages- you see- I would ask for help in science to complete my goals and satisfy my wishes for my self and family-and in return mankind would get a beautiful reward with something to make life easier-for is not the comfort of man a result of mans technological understandings. It was here it began- I asked for scientific answers- I got messages of unity for all mankind- specifically dealing with the middle east-of Semitic nations-of Jerusalem-of Mt. Sinai- I was born and raised in the USA, yes to Semitic parents of a Christian root- but my mind was being filled with messages of unity and specifically for the middle east in which it must begin- AND I KNEW IT WAS REAL AND I EMBRACED IT-AND IN A WORLD THAT KNOCKS ON WOOD FOR SUPERSTITION- I HAVE FOR TEN YEARS SAID OPENLY TO OUR LORD- YOU MADE ME TOO STRONG- GIVE ME THE SICKNESS OF A CHILD ANY CHILD-ALL CHILDREN- TO PROVE I BELIEVE IN THE BIG PICTURE- I HAVE FOR TEN YEARS AND STILL CONTINUE TO DO SO FOR I BELIEVE- I have made a website called 8 years ago as proof of such-and I have never touched it to date even with this writing- for my work was not complete- for my conversations with the lord were that upon completion of my scientific work and receive some credibility by mankind -THAT LET IT BE KNOWN THAT THE DISCOVERY OF SUCH SCIENCE HAS BEEN DONE BY A MESSENGER OF GOD
So now my journey continues-but this time with the added load of believing I was some kind of messenger of GOD- needless to say I didn’t tell anyone- though I had a website- I did not promote it declaring myself messenger- for my work is not complete- for my deal with the lord was to find something great and then speak up. I have told my mother and some relatives- but no need for added burden to tell others of such- funny how most of us pray with all our hearts to god- and yet- actually tell someone you have spoken to it and received something- you are nuts-
What started as gravity turned into many things-from ideas to destroy human viruses -many machines of gravity manipulations -to even ideas of the structure of atoms themselves which are new even to the world of science itself- all culminating this very year upon the date April 1-2007. Palm Sunday- and of course another day- and all I will say at this stage- we come from the most intelligent and caring and sophisticated entity in this universe- it will always keep you guessing- for our time here on this planet is one of FAITH-PERIOD.
Palm Sunday- what I did- I am the first human in history to grab hold of the lightning bolt- by way of a century old devise made by Nikola Tesla himself- coupled with my understanding of the century old ideas of Albert Einstein- I have resonated an electrical current called plasma-a lightning bolt-inside water itself strictly for the purposes of combining the hydrogen bound in water to end the energy crisis.
An interesting date indeed- preceded by many interesting events prior to it- all of which I have openly written in other stories of self observation - I KNEW WHAT I DID- BUT NO ONE ELSE AROUND ME SEES IT - I grow frustrated in time- several weeks later I find myself on a journey going west to the grand canyon- I have gone many times but I had no reason whatsoever to go this time- I must tell others of this experiment- also- I AM FLAT BROKE ON MONEY- I SPENT EVERYTHING TO GET TO THIS STAGE- YET- somehow I get gas card and go- FOR I WAS SUMMONED- a place on a map called Valley of the GODS-native American for Warriors frozen in time- it was here I spent a night to bear witness to a truth. I have been witness to our connected past spirits and the world in which we all collectively call god- A GRID OF LIGHT- In a most amazing way to talk to my soul- they have come to me like the dreams and visions of the Christmas carol of Ebenezer scrooge- BUT I WAS NEVER AN SCROOGE IN LIFE- BUT ANOTHER LEVEL I WAS SHOWN- for what i was shown in dream and made to awaken three times in the night to stand at attention with THE EXACT SAME IMAGES AND COMMUNICATION IN MY MIND OF WHAT WAS SPEAKING TO ME WAS A COMMANDMENT TO ALL HUMANITY-
I was told everything I have been witness to for ten years of messages of unity was absolutely true - I was told that I have their blessings for their desire of mankind- I was told that it is in me to speak on behalf of all our nations past which have gathered home to our planet to bear witness to a change in mankind- we are to accept prophesy of the twentieth century- we are to accept ww2 as Armageddon signified by two atomic bombs- for ww2 was the pinnacle of mans arrogance over one another as viewed by race- by Darwinism evolution that one is greater than another-
We have been endowed by all technology since then especially the media and television for one purpose only- TO UNDERSTAND WE ARE ALL THE SAME- DIFFERENT COLOR OR SPOKEN TONGUE- BUT THE SPIRIT IS EQUAL- WE ARE ALL MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD-
BUT ABOVE ALL- SPEAK NOW-OPEN YOUR MOUTH-SCREAM IT WITH BOLDNESS- and here I am- since my return from this place in the desert i have been doing so-like a lone voice in the wilderness I say the things on behalf of god-and at the same time try to enlighten man on this scientific miracle i have been endowed to find- I T WAS ALWAYS MY UNDERSTAND THESE PAST TEN YEARS TO FIRST BE RECOGNIZED AS A SANE HUMAN BEING WITH SCIENCE- THEN SPEAK THE WORDS OF THE LORD- ALAS- I WAS TOLD TO SPEAK NOW- SO HERE I AM - TRYING TO TELL OF A GOD GIVEN EXPERIMENT WITH MESSAGES OF UNITY FROM OUR DEAR LORD- catch 22 right- I now find myself living with patience like a race horse in a stable- I try so hard on two fronts- talk of science and be viewed as a -well I don’t talk negative- you say what you like–or try to talk religious words of GOD and be called a whatever just trying to promote my science or business-
and so this is how I live my days- my thoughts- my actions- but something was always missing- and it happened on another interesting day- this American Halloween- trick or treat-October 31-2007-Great Father- thank you for this treat–I was hiking today at my favorite locale mountain- the one where I first received messages of unity - it was here I was contemplating today why this spot in southern Alberta was given to me with such an amazing connection- I have always felt since putting this story together something was missing from this- and today it came- you see- it was 13 years ago that my unfortunate circumstance put me in a position to leave my wife and child-subsequently divorce- but it was at a time when I knew I was driving off to a near future which was going to get immediately harder for me without the close contact of my son- and so I left –in my Pontiac firebird from Athabasca Alberta- towards the usa of Pennsylvania- a four day drive- I left in the winter and a blizzard was blowing thru- if anyone knows the winters of Alberta-right above Montana-USA- you will know it comes down hard- and here I was driving thru it WITH A BROKEN HEART- some ancient mission in myself since youth pushes me to break away - and along this highway traversing I pass the vicinity of this point on the triangle- medicine hat- it was here I believe my heart was somewhat cradled for what I was to endure- for to me - this triangle I made pointing to Mt Sinai- is one built of love- first the love of my child-in which I find the true love of GOD- and subsequently the love of all children is the key to humanity-this triangle is built for the love of children- and I knew immediately this was the complete answer- and to put icing on the cake- several minutes go by in which I was feeling energetic- I pick up a boulder and want to play- I throw it at a sharp rock in which to split it- I do so and one of the fragments is a rock in which represents a triangle rock for- the same in which I found in the valley of the gods- my tablet of fire- a commandment like that of Moses-thank you lord for giving me this treat today- happy Halloween to you too
This is how I live my life- with the full conviction I have solved our energy crisis and did so because of the guidance of our GOD in order to give words of prophesy. The strain is hard upon my shoulders to have these thoughts and not vindicated by society- but I have been built for this- nevertheless- it would be nice if society would come together and simply research what I am saying first in science in order to prove me right or wrong- to this date of writing- I am waiting. I write these events during Christmas time- a time to honor a great spirit of peace and unity- this is my own Christmas wish
My own Christmas wish
To have society-humanity-people-come to my aid and conclude this burden upon my shoulders- A burden which is yours-
- I have lived my entire life with every action with the spirit of Jesus inside me- and in the grandeur of life itself I have been led to believe I am some kind of messenger of GOD these past ten years - and upon a very successful experiment used to address the energy crisis using WATER this very year on PALM SUNDAY- I HAVE BEEN LED TO CONVICTION I AM THE MESSIAH OF THE 21ST CENTURY
WHY--because I live in the world of the future- if that little experiment I was led to by the heavens is truly the road to safe fusion of hydrogen bound in water- THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS- ALL HUMAN BEINGS LIVES WILL BE FAR GREATER-
THUS- in a world of GOD- a possibility a message comes during a crisis times of society-given to someone who maybe in time might have a name to themselves once found- a message I held for ten years- built over a life of observation-- I am willing to give-one of unity and peace-
That’s my Christmas wish- To live a normal life if my science is proven wrong- but if proven right by society- I WILL STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND PERFORM THE LORDS WORK-I BELIEVE WITH FULL CONVICTION I AM RIGHT- TIME WILL TELL
The following is my method to address the energy crisis- the equations do not translate from word document into this format perfectly well- however- if seriously interested= please go to my website of and find complete there- however-a scientific paper entitled “On the origin of relativity” in which is the heart of my science understandings is written within it in a complete fashion for one to follow. I offer it to you as my convictions in science-
Electro-Magnetic Fusion
“The Marriage of Hot and Cold Fusion”
By: Sam Azar
I offer a completely new approach in achieving an abundant energy output via the nuclear fusion process. This paper is an elaboration of my patent registered with the United States Government titled “Nuclear Fusion Generator”US60/840,493 or NFG system. In the title of this paper where I pronounce the statement of “The Marriage of Hot and Cold Fusion”, I desire to offer the reader in what mode of science does this new approach takes in which I have named Electro-Magnetic Fusion. In the following pages it shall be apparent that indeed what is being presented has the attributes of both classes ofnuclear fusion devices in that; in similarities to hot fusion, it is this authors fundamental belief that in striving for magnetic pinch qualities of relativistic charged particles that in itself is the cause of the actual nuclear combination of elements as opposed to simply being poloidal currents of magnetic strength in order to be contained by external magnification within vacuum vessel with sole intent of increasing temperature to that comparable to our Sun; the similarities to Cold fusion are merely that it is this authors use of the liquid state of water is used for several reasons which will be stated later, however, in which will be noted now that this mode of application has nothing to do with established theories of Cold Fusion to date, in fact it is this authors opinion that what is new and novel being presented will actually describe the superfluous positive results of Cold Fusion and in fact are the result of the modes of excitation I believe are generated when electrical current traverses a liquid hydrogenous solution and not at all with the belief in the “catalytic” cleaving actions of various electrode materials used in Cold Fusion cells.
In what is to follow in this paper, the reader is asked to keep this in mind; I have built an exceptionally crude NFG system and ACHIEVED POSITIVE EXCESS ENERGY. Let us first prime ourselves with the general background of Fusion of nuclear material. The nuclear fusion process offers the world a practically unlimited fuel supply that is also clean to the environment with no greenhouse gas emissions.It is known that to attain fusion of nuclear material, the “easiest” of all the available elements would be Hydrogen and its isotopes. Hydrogen with a subscript of H has only a single proton in its nucleus; the vast majority of hydrogen bound in water also has no neutron attached. If a neutron was attached it is called a deuteron or simply “D”. If yet one more neutron were attached as the third possible stable isotope of hydrogen (12 yr half life), its name is tritium or simply “T”. Hydrogen is seen as the candidate for fusion as opposed to all other elements because it has only one positive charge being the single proton. Hence, in trying to “squeeze” two hydrogen’s together the fundamental force needed is derived from Coulombs law;
(equation 1)
is the magnitude of the force exerted,
is the charge on one body,
is the charge on the other body,
is the distance between them,
8.988×109 N m2 C-2 (also m F-1) is the electrostatic constant or Coulomb force constant, and
8.854×10−12 C2 N-1 m-2 (also F m-1) is the permittivity of free space, also called electric constant,
For the fusion of two hydrogen atoms, q1 and q2 is simply one charge value each as there is only one proton each interacting with one another. The amount of energy imparted unto the nuclei of hydrogen to penetrate the coulomb barrier is achieved via temperature. In particular the isotopes of hydrogen both D and T has been found to require less energy to surmount the barrier than hydrogen itself, by using the following understanding of the “gas equation”
(equation 2) (k here is Boltzman constant, T is temperature)
Kinetic energy depends entirely on temperature. Thus, with the known energy value needed to overcome the coulomb barrier, a temperature value of approximately several billion degrees is required. It is this understanding of the Hot Fusion plasma science that by increasing the temperature of a particle via gas equation 2, that enough energy will be imparted unto the nuclei for it to penetrate the Coulomb barrier. The plasma state is intensely hot and any material in its locale would be vaporized. The plasma state once derived has been contained and forced into the center of vacuum vessels by magnetic fields which hold the plasma current which possesses its own magnetic field derived from an electrical current induced within it as first described by W.H. Bennett in 1934 as a mode of plasma containment dubbed the “pinch effect”. Most vessel designs are built upon the concept of the Tokamak (Russian for toroidal chamber in magnetic coils) its shape is that of a toroid with nothing in its center to interact with the plasma channel because of intense heat. Modes of excitation of plasma are entirely derived externally from the toroid via transformers and other forms of additional energy are injected into said plasma such as; lasers,electron beams, and rf injection. It is desired that with such a high magnitude of energy via temperature in the system, a percentage of some collisions occurring between fuel atoms will fuse together and form a more stable atom of helium. This process of forming a more stable atom will create an exothermic energy output via the fusion reaction which is universally accepted. This energy is absorbed by the walls of the vessel. The heat is extracted from vessel walls by coolant fluid to heat exchangers. This heat will produce steam and subsequently electric generation.
There are various types of fusion machines just cited which employ the use of intrinsic magnetic pinching qualities of induced electrical currents, all of which have one fundamental characteristic in common in that the fuel used is in a gas state. This is logical as pure forms of hydrogen or its isotopes are in gas form. Hence, hot fusion machines have been designed around the discharge of energy within a gas state. However some forms of fusion machines use solid fuel pellets of D-T mixtures used in an inertial confinement system in which multiple laser beams are used to compress the fuel into a plasma state for fusion, or highly accelerated charged particles are diverged to a common center focal point as in the Fusor system. All of these noted systems would be in the generally labeled Hot Fusion. On the opposite end of the spectrum from hot fusion is cold fusion. This is akin to the reality of someday achieving superconductivity at room temperature. Cold Fusion uses liquid water and an electrical current is passed within it, it has been deduced that a nuclear fusion process is achievable with the use of electrode material which might posses the ability to act as a catalytic mediator for fusion to occur at a temperature far lower than the energies required in the plasma science fields of Hot fusion.
In my system I shall dispense with the need for temperature requirements altogether and the use of a gas state as a fuel medium. This gas state is a balance between the radiation pressure of the plasma state itself wanting to blow itself apart and balanced by the intrinsic nature of the magnetic field of its induced current (“Bennet pinch”) and applied external magnetic fields..
In my NFG system I fundamentally agree upon the use of fuel in a liquid state for several reasons: A far greater density of fuel available in the liquid state. Though it may be found that various liquids of different elements may be used as the fuel in the NFG system, I shall use water as the starter material because of its intrinsic simplicity of handling, abundance, and safety. Water is a molecule of H20, composed of 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Various concentrations of heavy water may be used for introduction of deuterons. It is in the liquid state up to a temperature of 374 Celsius and pressures may be attained in modern day vessels as high as 3500 psi such as in coal fired reactors. Present day pressurized water fission reactors use approximately 26oo psi to surround and cool the fuel rods of these fission assemblies. It is desired to have said NFG-system be a turn key device in which any fission power plant built under a pressurized system may simply have its fuel assemblies removed and have presently described NFG system to replace it and began a fusion process, leaving all surrounding hardware of fission apparatus essentially the same such as cooling and heat transfer mechanisms. Water as the fuel has the advantage of not only being the fuel itself, but also the moderator in temperature via the heat exchange system itself and subsequently for steam extraction and electric power generation. In existing magnetic fusion devices, the gaseous fuel of hydrogen which are then energized into the plasma state are controlled by its own magnetic field via an induced current (the Bennet pinch) and external magnetic fields for confinement. In my present system, the same basic principle applies, however it is desired to take the pinch to a far greater level, also, there will be an additional component of control I shall refer to as “liquid compression”. Let us begin to envision the device I describe as the “Nuclear Fusion Generator” or NFG.
FIG 1. Vessel housing fuel and fusion assembly
Reference to fig1. Imagine a large vessel of an arbitrary rectangular dimension containing the fuel water. Imagine the vessel to be large enough to also contain in its center an electrode assembly for arc discharge. Imagine this vessel to be large enough that there is sufficient distance from any wall to electrode assembly within center of vessel. Hence, ignore the walls of the vessel for now, however, understand it is filled with liquid water.
Voltage V1Voltage V2
Fig 2. Electrode assembly
Reference to fig 2 is a simple electrode assembly. Imagine in the center of this vessel two opposing electrodes. Each electrode is appropriately connected to the ends of a power source which supplies the electrostatic potentials V1 and V2 to the connected electrodes. There is a separation of distance between the electrodes facing one another. In between the electrodes facing one another is the dielectric medium of the fuel water which fills the entire vessel and maintained under pressure. Imagine a sufficiently high voltage applied from the voltage source to each electrode via V1 and V2 to initiate a plasma discharge through the dielectric fuel medium being water. Imagine this discharge to be great enough that the flow of plasma current is via a complete breakdown of fuel material water, or more appropriately the molecule of 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. The source of the voltage is alternating current for several reasons. One; alternating currents will eliminate the gaseous amounts of elements occurring at each electrode as in an electrolysis system, for example whereby at an instant in time when one electrode is a cathode, negative relative to the opposing electrode being the anode, hydrogen gas would accumulate. Because of alternating current, the electrodes alternate between being cathode and anode, hence, the appropriate gas will be formed at each cycle, and an opportunity for recombination will result. Secondly and more importantly, because of inductive properties at higher frequencies, a sufficiently high enough frequency is required to “resonant” with the plasma discharge itself. It is known that additional magnetic qualities such as skin effect are reached as higher frequencies are obtained. This is understood as the magnetic energy component of the oscillating field has increased.This shall be elaborated later.Also, in regards to thoughts of possible “outgassing” of free hydrogen or oxygen which might occur and are within the vessel itself, it is realized that during plasma conduction of such a high amplitude of power, a large amount of electromagnetic energy in the form of x-rays and gamma rays will also be emitted, hence, a large activation energy potential resides within the vessel to “recombine” the out-gassed products into its more useable form of a water molecule. Of course, during its recombination back to a water molecule, the exothermic reaction will be absorbed by the medium, and hence, no energy is lost but contained in the vessel.
Reference to fig 3. This is a Tesla coil showing an Rf arc discharge from its discharge terminal and traversing thru air to primary ground on the power supply. This is an example of the type of power source required in order to initiate a plasma discharge between said electrodes and traversing thru the dielectric fuel water. Typical Tesla coils are known to reach potentials in excess of several hundred thousand volts and “relatively” high frequencies usually in the hundreds kHz range.
FIG 3 Tesla coil with rf current shorting to ground
Reference to fig 4: Because of the high voltage between electrodes within the vessel containing the fuel water, dielectric breakdown occurs within water and plasma current has been established between electrodes in which I refer to as being contained within an entire “Plasma Channel”. This Plasma Channel will consist of three distinct zones as noted in figure 4. The plasma zone at the very center will consist of free positive ions and negative electrons. Its temperature will be very hot as all plasma’s are by there very nature, thus, it is understood that at this center region, only ionized particles are traversing throughout the plasma zone. If we now move away from this center region of the plasma zone, we quickly find a region much cooler in temperature than the conducting portion of the plasma discharge. This zone I refer to as the gaseous zone. Because the temperature is still higher than 374 Celsius next to the plasma discharge, the fuel water will be gaseous in this area immediately adjacent to the discharge.H2o in the gas state will be found along with free hydrogen and oxygen. In continuing our distance away from the center of the plasma channel, the temperature is yet lowered to a point in which the molecule of water is now in a liquefied form(less than 374 Celsius). This zone shall be referred to as the liquid zone, and it continues to the walls of the vessel. Hence, as there have been described three distinct zones within the vessel containing the plasma channel, there are accordingly two distinct boundary layers evident; first is the boundary layer between the plasma zone itself and the gaseous zone of; secondly, there is a boundary layer between the gaseous zone and the liquid zone. These two “boundary walls” are obviously transition points from one state of energy to the next. Its approximate distance from center of plasma channel will be a function of various parameters such as overall pressure applied to liquid fuel and amount of RF discharge current applied to the system. Let it be understood that the entire volume of fuel e.g. water, is held under pressure. Hence, the gaseous zone is also in contact with the liquid zone and its pressure will be the same accordingly; therefore the pressure “pushing” against the actual plasma discharge will also be this same pressure.
Again, I disregard the temperature requirement for fusion of atomic nuclei which would provide the kinetic energy for the protons of hydrogen to surmount the coulomb barrier.Instead I rely on the magnetic pinching qualities of self-induced currents to overcome the coulomb barrier. My reasoning is as follows:
The velocity of a charged particle in a vacuum with an applied electrostatic field is generally derived from kinetic energy considerations
(Equation 3)
whereby m is the mass of the particle (proton or electron), v is the velocity of the particle, q is the value of the charged particle in coulombs, and V is the voltage applied, therefore to derive velocity
(Equation 4)
Hence, the velocity of a charged particle is a function of the voltage V applied to it. For example. If electrons are at a cathode region in which it has been heated to the point of being “boiled off”, and a subsequent voltage was applied between cathode and anode, an electron will be accelerated off the cathode toward the anode with a velocity component that is directly related to the equation just cited. This understanding has been used since the early days of electric control in devices such as cathode ray tubes. In regards to an electron, this equation is applicable until the kinetic energy of the rest mass of the electron is reached, 0.511mev, after this amount of energy imparted unto the electron, the relativistic mass equation must be used and accordingly different values of velocity, induced magnetic fields, and mass must be considered.
If now a charged particle has a velocity component v, it now has an intrinsic magnetic field of the value B as a function of velocity
, (equation 5) units in S.I. are Tesla for magnetic flux density
the term r^2 is the magnetic field envelope about the charged particle q and the unit vector r-hat is a point in space from point charge q in which the magnetic field may be calculated. One may simply understand that the magnetic density B is directly related to the charge q velocity in space. where k'=uo/4p or magnetic permeability
Reduced to(equation 6)
it is known that the force on a moving charge in a magnetic field is
(If not perpendicular)(Equation 7)
It is realized that the magnetic pinch effect is the result of charged particles traveling “side-by-side” next to each other.
It is known that since the magnetic field of each and every charged particle is
, (equation 6)
And the force upon a moving charge q caused an external magnetic field is
F=qv x B , (equation 7) ( x is the cross product)
If the external field B is the field of another charged particle traveling next to another charged particle, then the force between two charged particles via their induced magnetic fields is thus derived as
(Equation 8)
This equation is almost identical to Coulombs law.
Thus, I shall equate equation 8 to Coulombs force equation
(Equation 9)
(Equation 10)
In this case since both q1 and q2 which may both represent two electrons adjacent to one another, or two protons, accelerated by the electrostatic potentials set forth by the electrodes stated earlier, then v1 and v2 will be the same velocity so then it becomes v^2(more specifically, v^2 is the vector cross product of the velocities between charges, its magnitude seems to represent the velocity squared). It is with these equations in which I develop an insight into equating the Coulomb barrier force with relativistic magnetic fields of the term. I believe with relativistic speeds a magnetic flux density of such magnitude in conjunction with fuel medium at optimum conditions a potential to overcome the Coulomb barrier exists.
The velocity equation no. 5 given forth earlier is entirely correct and subsequent values of velocities are found in a vacuum for charged particles such as in cathode ray tubes. However, since, current in this case is a plasma discharge thru a medium, a vast majority of collisions will occur as in a conductor and there will be an average “drift velocity” in the plasma as in solid conductors, though not the same. The point here is that this velocity equation is the highest attainable velocity for a charged particle if left to travel without hindrance in a vacuum.However, it is realized that “some fraction” of charged particles will attain these velocities within the plasma at some moment in time merely by chance and probability, thus some particles will reach this speed and attain a magnetic field value as a function of velocity. This point must be reiterated further, magnetic pinch devices such as z-pinch or poloidal currents in Tokamaks both use the magnetic pinch ideology, however, it is used to a point to magnetically hold the plasma as other modes of heat injection may occur as the proponents of these technologies fundamentally believe in the temperature requirement for barrier penetration. There is an obvious distinction between what is already employed in fusion devices today and what the NFG system is, and that is the strength of the electrostatic tension I want to introduce into said NFG system. I desire a far greater voltage which will impede a greater velocity upon charged particles; in particular, it is my intention to obtain relativistic speeds of charged particles. Whereby in doing so shall increase the strength of its magnetic field to such a point that fusion reactions may occur. Frequency effects of applied voltage upon velocity must be included and stated later. There is now a force of magnetism between particles which posses a velocity component. It is this very nature of a relativistic velocity-induced magnetic field in which I explore as the “additional” component, amongst others, as a method to overcome the Coulomb barrier. It is my direction to equate the magnetic pinch effect of relativistic charges to that of the Coulomb barrier
Therefore, it seems evident to me that by achieving relativistic speeds, the v^2 term, a magnetic force between charges exist which may cause the nuclei of an adjacent charge to attract one another.
It is known that the square root of the electric permittivity k divided by the magnetic permeability k’ is equal to the speed of light “c”
It is applying this ideology in a liquid state with the previously mentioned benefits of liquid control and use which makes this invention new as opposed to the prior art of fusion devices of magnetic pinch types or z pinches. Thus, this is not hot fusion in which I rely on temperature as a mode of nuclear combination; I call this “Electro-Magnetic Fusion”, as I seek fusion via a strong electric field which will in turn induce a strong magnetic field for pinching. My road traveled to this magnetic pinch effect was entirely derived in my search for questions regarding gravity. I would like to offer my personal views to demonstrate my line of thought which gives me my reasoning for this fusion attempt in this said method of operation, and in light of such a new approach for fusion with such a high magnitude of global demand, additional information which might seem relevant for this exact fusion device might prove helpful in an understanding of the approach taken. Therefore, the following are excerpts of a paper entitled “On the origin of relativity” in which I wrote in the late 90’s. It shows why I believe relativistic velocities can equate the Coulomb force law to magnetism, and therefore offer another method for fusion reactions at the nuclear level.
“On the origin of relativity”
My views are as follows with this question in mind. Electromagnetic Wave or Corpuscular Photons? It is known that the scientific data gathered via experiments and observation fall with equal weights under a perfect bell curve for a bootstrap wave described by Maxwellian equations or for the classically applied corpuscles "elastically" held to idealized blackbody vibrators.I believe in the latter.
I begin with the special theory of relativity to start the argument.
1. E = m* c2Energy of radiation has been equated to mass. The energy of radiation "given off" by the body of mass is equivalent to the mass loss of the body, conversely the energy, E, of radiation "absorbed" by the body is "converted" to mass of the body. These statements are fundamental to the whole subject of atomic physics. Thus, by Einstein, "The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content".
2. M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2) “The relativistic mass equation". The relativistic mass M is a function of its rest mass, Mo, and its velocity in space.
3. The most fundamental equation for magnetism is B = (q*k'*v)/r2, whereby k'=uo/4p . uo is the magnetic permeability. The magnetic field, B, is a function of an entity q's velocity thru space.
4. M=Mo when v=0: A very important realism is seen here and yet not fully appreciated. Mo is the rest mass. Though it is called "rest mass",the "rest mass" is not at all at rest.It has an enormousvalue of energy "intrinsic" to it. Truly all states are relative. Relative to Earth we have zero velocity when sitting and accordingly some value when we move about. Relative to the surrounding space encompassing the Earth we travel at a large velocity without our slightest knowledge via the Earths spin on its axis of approximately 1,000 miles per hour. Relative to the sun, we travel at approx, 72,000 miles per hour. Our solar system has a spin about the galaxy of approx 600,000 miles/hour, our galaxy has a spin about its own galactic center, and our galactic cluster has a velocity around the central point origin of the universe. The overriding and most precedent of these "relative" velocities is the outward expansion of the universe dubbed the expanding universe and theorized as a result of a big bang explosion hurtling all mass outwards from "center". This overriding and most precedent of velocities I shall name the Expansion Vector, for it surely has velocity and direction.
5. Mo=M' /((1-v2/c2)1/2) Thus, the "rest mass" of now is the result of some primordial mass M' prior to expansion velocity, for we cannot simply ignore it. It must be understood now that although many "relative velocities" are taken place, only the most precedent and largest of the velocity components is considered. All mass, including earth, is traveling through space at the expansion vector. All smaller velocities are relative and not important in this paper. For example, in the understanding of electricity, if 100 volts were impressed onto a conducting wire and made to perform work, the power is a function of volts times current as depicted by Ohms law. It is inconsequential if on that conducting wire "other voltages" of smaller value (rule of thumb in electrical power is less than ten times can be essentially ignored such as a 5 volt noise component or a 100 millivolt noise component of different frequency). The analogy being all smaller velocities relative to space are insignificant to the overwhelming velocity of the expansion velocity.
6. E = h*f, and m*c2= h*f, and then m = h*f /c2: Postulate one: The fundamental entity is the corpuscle, or quanta in which I shall refer to hereafter, is when f=1, m=7.37* 10-51 kg. Thus, a proton contains 2.27* 1023 quanta (mass of proton / mass of quanta). An electron, or cloud, or orbital, contains 1.24* 1020 quanta (mass of electron / mass of quanta) I use f=1 for it must be the fundamental quanta, any multiple of f such as f=1014 or visible light is implying the atom oscillate at 1014 and at each oscillation quanta is broken from its "layers".
7. These "layers" are in fact related to (though not exactly) the circular orbit layers, "n", which are neglected in Bohr's theory as a physical reality but critical for another purpose, and also the radius values in quantum mechanics are closely tied to these "layers", more appropriately via mass-spring systems. Bohr noted himself that it was just as applicable to note circular "stationary" orbits of layers were possible.
8. Postulate Two: Each individual quanta has an intrinsic magnetic field about it via the expansion vector. Magnetism by definition is the velocity of q in space. A fundamental understanding must be appreciated here in that any q with a velocity to space will have a magnetic field with respect to space. This magnetic field is a deformation of space. To describe a magnetic field it must encompass equally its effect on the surrounding space (r2 about entity q). All intrinsic spin as spoken about in regards to electrons and such is the magnetic field and is inherent via all entities traveling thru space at a very large velocity. This field is a function of some fundamental "primordial entity" q, with a velocity in space. Space will be distorted about q as a function of Uo, a natural "resistance" of space itself. This is magnetism
9. A characteristic of magnetism is the resulting field of flux surrounding the charged entity. By convention, a negatively charged entity traveling in one particular direction will have a determined orientation of its flux lines. The intensity and orientation of the flux lines are relative to the speed and direction of the charged entity. The opposite orientation of flux lines is exhibited with a positive entity with same physical parameters of speed and direction; only the orientation of flux lines has changed (for example a clockwise direction around the electron in a direction along an axis, whereas a counterclockwise direction around a proton traveling in the same direction). This realization is best described with the "field concept" as developed by Michael Faraday.
Also, and of the most significant consequences, entities of same charge and direction will attract one another (magnetic pinch effect), repel if opposite charge with same direction! This is a critical statement in respect to static charges whereby a static positive and negative charge attract each other and like charges repel each other.
10. Postulate Three:: Rest massMo is equal to the entity quanta, q, traveling thru space with the expansion velocity as a function of magnetic permeability Uo of space. Thus, mass is a function of the expansion energy. "q" is quanta in its "electric charge" sense, v is the expansion velocity, Uo is magnetic permeability. R2 is the distortion of space about an idealized entity q.
·To expand this concept
·If the primordial charge, q, which in units of Coulombs, has been given energy via the Expansion of the universe as a function of the magnetic permeability Uo
·Then it followes the general form of the magnetic pinch equation of F= (k'*q*q'*v2)/r2, where k'=uo/4p
·In which in our relative state it has now become force of attraction between charges as in law Coulombs law: F = (k*q*q')/r2, where k=1/(4peo)
·Which forms the fundamental particle the proton with a unit charge of , which is now equated to the mass of the proton of
·Where the K constant for Coulomb is in units of
·The gravational constant G is in units , whereby the force of attraction between mass is
·It shows that the primordial charge q has become mass in Kg
·The neutron which is exactly the same as the proton in construction but differs in mass by 2-1/2 masses of electrons which must elimanate the protons charge effect
11. Postulate Four: The velocity of the expansion vector is the speed of light. When this is true uo, magnetic permeability, becomes eo, the electric permittivity. Or at least some factor of the speed of light which depicts itself in our state of reference as the speed of light.
For example, If the universe is expanding at the velocity of light, then the magnetic force between two primordial charges q traveling side by side thru space is equivalent to and is the "magnetic pinch effect", -(This is the most fundamental postulate and physical process occurring in this paper) is given generally by:
F= (k'*q*q'*v2)/r2, where k'=uo/4p
(k' is a measure of the force between charges q)
Coulombs law is: F = (k*q*q')/r2, where k=1/(4peo)
(k is a measure of the force between charges q)
When the expansion of the universe is equal to that of light , v2= k/k'=c2=1/(uo*eo)
(k'*q*q'*v2)/r2 = (k*q*q')/r2
Thus, the only fundamental facet of space is uo, or magnetic permeability. When quanta travel at v=c, then the force between quanta becomes eo or Coulombs law. The Earth, and the universe, is at a velocity of c thru space, uo becomes eo in our "relative state". The electric permittivity eo is the "relative state" of uo traveling at the expansion velocity. In many standard books in physics, The relation of the speed of light to the quantities permittivity and permeability are usually cited, but never a physical reason as to why. I offer this as a possibility to this equation. “are we bound together because of our velocity thru space-amazing if so!”
12. Conclusions: There is only one fundamental entity in our local universe called quanta, also loosely called corpuscles, photons, or "strings". Its mass is m=7.37* 10-51 kg. It has an intrinsic magnetic field about it via the expansion of the universe and uo. In our relative "stationary" state, the attraction between quanta is eo or coulombs law. They are fundamental magnetic components. It was mentioned that in respect to static charges whereby a static positive and negative charge attract each other and like charges repel each other. The proton is an accumulation of quanta; the magnetic components bind together to a fundamental density in the shape of a sphere. There are two very real possible proton formations possible. One: Magnetic polarities of each quanta in an arrangement to make a "magnetic monopole". For example, all magnets have north and south, this is merely a relative statement for the idealized point charge/entity. For example, if they bind together in such a way as if all "south or north poles" of each quanta face outwards then the surface of the spherical proton will depict either all north or south, somewhat like an idealized monopole. Thus protons would not bind to each other, they are repelled (like charges repel), also they still have their south or north monopole field about them, thus all free quanta will still be attracted to the proton like "a sphere of uniform positive electrification", as J.J. Thomson once said. It will accumulate onto the proton until the proton field is cancelled, "an electron layers worth". Second Proton formation possibility is dipolar in aggregate which lends itself to an overall intrinsic magnetic dipole nature. Thus electron quanta layering will also be dipolar.
13 A question arises as to why is the mass of the proton much greater than the mass of the electron layer with same charge values. It is speculated that with the initial quanta formation into a sphere, the proton, it's "Guassian" field value ends up this way. To cancel or neutralize this field only requires so much quanta, an electron layers worth?
14 The nuclear force, which binds the nucleus, is a function of the neutral particle the neutron as there is no such thing as a diproton. Of course the neutron itself is an aggregation of quanta only. Whether it is a collapsed hydrogen atom with additional quanta(about 2-1/2 times an electrons worth), or disorganized arrangement of quanta for overall charge of zero, and magnetic moment. Nevertheless, the neutron is some kind of interface between the protons.
15. The atom is an aggregation of one entity, quanta. Each quanta has an intrinsic magnetic field and is binding to the atom like a crystal lattice with vibrational modes via Planck's blackbody idealization and subsequently quantum mechanics. To break the bonds of the "layers" of the atom via n*h*f, one must match the energy which binds it to the atom. Its quantization as depicted by Planck and Einstein as being absorbed and emitted in discrete packets are the result of the fact that electron shells are the quantization of quanta shells which bind together as magnets do in discrete fundamental sizes as only so much can possibly “fit together” in discrete shells.
16. To achieve Radiation form of quanta, the energy of all rest mass or rest quanta is via the expansion velocity, its energy resides in the intrinsic magnetic field per quanta and now binding to other quanta in an atom. To break the bond, energy is needed to match the binding energy. The quanta will be broken off like a bound spring under tension. It will release isotropically from the atom in layers of n*h*f with a speed of c because this was the energy given in the beginning, and something fundamental to space itself as a limiting speed as a function of magnetic permeability. The process will continue via quantum mechanics until the plasma state or ionization state of a layer of quanta "electron" is removed, these are the electronic states, and continue linearly through ionization as n*h*f radiation still occurs as more energy is released, however now at x-ray to gamma ray wavelengths, where each period of the "wavelength" is an amount of quanta layers. A quote by Samuel Glasstone from his book "Sourcebook on Atomic Energy", "It may perhaps be permissible to consider radiation as consisting of photons whose statistical distribution is represented by an equation of the form applicable to the propagation of waves".
17. There is no "rigid point particle" alone in space with rigid boundaries, about the entity q is the magnetic field. Its boundary walls are magnetic described by r2", thus a "springiness" to it. It's appearance is that of a "bubble”, or more precisely a "magnetic bubble". The quanta, q, has a velocity thru space via expansion vector, thus an intrinsic magnetic field about it, B=(q*k'*v)/r2. the r2 is the distortion of space about q. It is the magnetic field. The de Broglie equation of l=h/mv is realized as lambda, the wavelength, is r2 magnetic field about q. Thus, de Broglie equation is depicting the special theory of relativity whereby an increase in velocity of the mass will correspond to wavelength variations as in B = (q*k'*v)/r2. An increase in velocity will change the magnetic field about q. Einstein's special theory of relativity of mass increase from v=0 up to v=c is an energy increase via velocity thru space and exhibited in a stronger magnetic field about fundamental q as exhibited by B= (q*k'*v)/r2 per quanta. Thus, the theory of relativity is a statement about relative velocities with respect to space, its physical significance is now understood in the realm of magnetism which in itself is a function of velocity in space.
18. A statement by Einstein,"Thence we conclude that a balance clock at the equator must go more slowly, by a very small amount, than a similar clock situated at one of the poles under otherwise identical conditions". This is realized as the increase in energy/mass as a result of velocity increase is by the stronger attraction via the quanta within the atoms. Again the magnetic pinch effect is given by:
F= (k'*q*q'*v^2)/r2, where k'=uo/4p. The relativistic mass increase above the rest mass is realized as a stronger magnetic field within the atom themselves as a function of velocity thru space. Thence we conclude atomic processes are affected.
19. The relativistic mass equation M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2) is relative to our stationary state of the expansion velocity. The relativistic mass equation relative to "absolute space" must then be M=Mo/((1-(v2+c)/2c2))1/2). The limit of velocity of free quanta is the speed of light relative to our stationary state. Relative to "absolute space" or the expansion vector, it is twice the speed of light.
20. There is no "positive" or "negative" charged entities in space. There is only one entity q with an intrinsic magnetic field as a function of its velocity thru space. In our stationary state of "now" which is at a constant speed of the value of light, they bind together as generally discussed in 12,13 above to give "relative values" of north and south about itself and consequently via coulombs law as positive and negative as Benjamin Franklin has named. Thus, we may say that the proton is a concentration of a "south field"(south or north is arbitrary, however, maybe in time there will be a proper nomenclature of south and north). An electron layers worth of quanta is attracted to the proton. An electron layers worth of quanta may be ionized from the proton, and as magnets would still bind together in "free space" as in cathode ray tubes and behave as individual particles (photoelectric effect).
21. Gravity: In the aggregation of magnetic quanta into atoms themselves, the overall balance that results is the attraction of gravity itself. Gravity is the resultant composite field of the atom. General relativity is the description of the curvature and distortion of space itself by mass. Quanta are the fundamental entity in the universe. It has an intrinsic magnetic field about. The magnetic field itself distorts and curves space. The whole atom is the composite field of balanced magnetic quanta. Thus, G, the gravitational coupling between matter is the composite of uo and eo in the overall binding of the complete atoms. A question arises; does the “residual” effect of the Expansion Vector show itself in the ionized core of the Earth as the magnetic field? The orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field is the vector of the Expansion vector, however, the spin of the Earth might “skew” the effects of actual direction.
22. Inertia: Lenz's law describes the "resistance of space itself" via uo as a function of a change in velocity, only during accelerations as in all ac circuitry does it occur. Inertial mass is analogously the same during accelerations. Magnetic permeability uo is applicable for individual quanta, free charges as electrons and protons during acceleration. It is the relativistic mass of the moving body M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2), and conversely B = (q*k'*v)/r2. As with gravity, inertial mass is the composite of uo and eo of an atom during acceleration with respect to space. Inertial mass will behave analogously like ac circuitry of idealized point charges with acceleration.
23. About the entity q is the magnetic field described by r2. This field is permanent via the expansion vector. The magnetic field is created as a result of entity q's movement thru space and space's natural resistance uo. This is intrinsic spin.
To continue with NFG system. In reference to fig. 4 The Plasma Channel: Technically a plasma by definition is the forth state of matter and only the very center region is the “plasma zone” itself. However, I would like to encompass the name Plasma Channel to the entire region surrounding the plasma zone and the actual plasma zone itself.My reasoning for including this entire area is as follows; during plasma conduction current between electrodes, it will be evident that the plasma will have a resultant magnetic field as a result of several factors such as; established plasma current itself via conduction established by electrodes, counter magnetic fields by surrounding non plasma portion of plasma channel, hence, the field extension and coupling of energies will extend into this entire region in contact with the plasma zone itself. The gaseous and liquid zones surrounding the plasma zone will have an effect on the “resultant’ magnetic fields along with many other physical properties of temperature, pressure, electromagnetic energy interchange via plasma zone and surroundings. Thus, the entire plasma channel must be viewed as a system that is dependent upon each other and cannot be separated into a discrete zone without consideration of the zones next to each other. It might also be realized that some forms of energy directly from the plasma zone will without hindrance travel right thru the gaseous zone unimpeded without any energy transfer and continue into the liquid zone. This can also extend even further in regards to some forms of energy in the gamma wavelengths which might even extend without much impedance right thru the liquid zone itself. As I stated earlier in regards to the size of the vessel to be large enough to essentially ignore the walls of the vessel to have any recoil or absorption of energy from the plasma zone. It is this inventions desire to have all energy via plasma discharge to be absorbed by surrounding fuel/water medium for complete heat transfer efficiencies. However, it is realized some forms of energies such as gamma and neutrinos might pass right thru the vessel. Hence, sufficient distancebetween vessel walls and plasma discharge are desired. Also, vessel walls are also constructed in such a manner to limit the amount of high energy electromagnetic energy dissipated via plasma discharge. All of these considerations have already been employed in fission vessel reactors. Thus, there is no modification required for vessel material and construction in said NFG system. It shall employ a design consistent with that of pressurized water reactors-PWR.
Let us now examine the mode of nuclear combination which is to occur in this plasma discharge. It was the scientist K.T. Bainbridge of the United states who in 1933was the first to verify the mass-energy equation of Einstein’s E=mc^2 in the reaction of hydrogen proton bombardment unto lithium with the products becoming helium
Li(7) + H(1)Þ He(4) + He(4). Since this verification has taken place, numerous nuclear transformations have been studied in detail and there can be no question as to the validity of the Einstein equation or of the reality of nuclear transformations.
Besides the fusion of the so called “simplest” elements of hydrogen and its isotopes, there is a more fundamental step in which I believe is being ignored and could possibly be the exact very process occurring in “Cold Fusion” or CF experiments which give anomalous effects of positive net energy generation. Though CF is not accepted by the vast majority of plasma scientists. It has a question mark as to its possibilities as does superconductivity possibilities at room temperature. Nevertheless, I believe this said process I am putting forward at its lowest energy considerations just might be the actual cause ofCold Fusion occurring in an electrolytic fashion. I believe the most fundamental particle combination for nuclear combination is that of a proton and an electron itself. It is known that the beta decay of a free neutron is approximately 20 minutes. Thus , there is no such thing as a free neutron as there is a free proton. And a free neutron is in fact the simplest radioactive species. If a free neutron has transpired via artificial or natural means such as radioactivity, it is known that the decay of a neutron will produce a proton and a electron and approximately 0.782 mev of energy in an exothermic reaction. This energy is divided between the ejected electron and a neutrino. 0.782mev is also 1-1/2 times the electron rest mass, also, since one electron was also produced, it is understood that the neutron seems to be at least 2-1/2 times an electron mass greater than a proton. Under these considerations it is my belief that it is possible to fuse electrons upon a proton and create a neutron. The minimum energy anticipated is 0.782mev. Once a neutron is created it is quickly “absorbed” by another free proton into a stable element call a deuteron. This neutron capture process is well known and described as a Radiative capture type.
( H + n ÞD +gwhere g is a gamma ray photon of 2.2.mev)
This reaction is exothermic with approximately 2.2mev emitted as a gamma ray photon. Hence the surplus of energy derived 2.2mev minus 0.782mevequals 1.141mev.
It might seem apparent that the gamma ray photon emitted is somewhat useless because of its extremely high penetrating power and as such would be ineffective at transferring its energy into a thermal range for extraction by said NFG system.However, I believe because this system is entirely filled with a liquid hydrogenous solution the rate of absorption via photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and Bremstrahlung that most of the gamma photon will be absorbed.
Let us now look closer at the actual plasma state created in said system. It should be realized by now that what is being presented is simply an opposing electrode assembly in which a large electrostatic potential will be applied to each electrode and cause a dielectric breakdown in liquid water to occur. The characteristics of the plasma formed are an impedance load as opposed to being purely resistive. Thus, it is clear that with an alternating current being used aresonant frequency be employed to properly match plasma state. Also this system is again based upon the sole focus of magnetic energy, using a higher frequency not only depicts itself as higher energy in Planck’s equation of E=hf, but a high frequency will also increase the magnetic component per oscillation of electric pulse. This is realized as the fact that as the frequency is increased, the wavelength decreases, the entire envelope of energy is in a smaller dimension. Light photons are smaller that microwave photons. X-rays even smaller. It seems that with higher frequencies, the actual envelope of energy is within a smaller package. This is somewhat related to the fact that a magnetic field is created as a function of velocity as shown earlier as
B=k*q*v, if the rate of change of alternations is greater, then the velocity must be greater as known from simple understanding of sinusoidal waves. For a wave to oscillate quicker, its rise and fall times must be steeper, hence, velocity is greater. This is also deduced from Faradays law also in regards to rate of change in current or magnetic flux. However, I would like to point out that this is also a statement in relativistic mechanics. The theory of relativity describes the change in mass, which is energy, of a body with velocity increase as depicted by the
“relativistic mass equation” M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2).
Conversely the debroglie equation shows a wavelength character for mass with velocity.
l=h/mv , deBroglie wavelength
The masses in our case are electrons and protons subjected to large voltages and made to move with a velocity. It is these velocity factors which are impinged upon the particles in said plasma at such a proper range of frequency that a packet of magnetic energy of sufficient flux density and “quantum size” will be generated as to create the favorable environment for fusion of said nuclear material.
Now that we have deduced our reasoning for the use of alternating current of high frequency, the question as what to what resonant frequency would be “most efficient”. Immediately the 21cmor 1.420 GHz comes to mind which is related to both spins of the 1s electron and the proton in hydrogen, however, the frequency might be dependent upon many physical parameters such as fuel type, pressure, electrode spacing, etc In regards to the power source which will drive the high voltage and high frequency to said electrodes, it was noted that the preference for a Tesla coil is desired for personal reasons by the author as I share a great respect for Dr. Tesla and his strong interests to provide unlimited energy for all humanity. It is for this sole reason alone in that it would be sweet justice to have the marriage between a Tesla coil and my NFG system to fulfill our similar interests in providing energy to everyone efficiently and affordable. A quote by Tesla “Of the various branches of electrical investigation, perhaps the most interesting and immediately the most promising is that dealing with alternating currents. The progress in this branch of applied science has been so great in recent years that it justifies the most sanguine hopes. Hardly have we become familiar with one fact, when novel experiences are met with and new avenues of research are opened. Even at this hour possibilities not dreamed of before are, by the use of these currents, partly realized. As In nature all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry alternating currents—electric wave motion—will have the sway”. However, it should be clear that any form of power source which may produce said optimum electrical parameters of high voltage and high frequency will be suitable. Let me continue the description of NFG system with the Tesla coil in mind. The Tesla coil is a system that has the ability to resonant an alternating current between its inductive and capacitive coils. In doing so it has the distinctive behavior of being able to produce very large voltages in the range of millions with high frequencies usually in the kHz range. To change the resonant frequency of the Tesla coil, parameters of inductance and capacitance of the coil itself are changed to produce a somewhat fixed output in frequency. As was noted earlier that there exists the possibility of “frequency drift” in plasma state of said system by various parameters as pressure, temperature and magnetic fields, The Tesla coil (or appropriate power source) should have the ability to be adjustable being some kind of “phase lock loop” feedback signal. A feedback system has the ability to monitor output conditions (plasma channel in this case) and vary the input signal accordingly for proper power matching conditions between input and output.
In regards to the plasma zone itself. This area is made up of free particles of hydrogen and oxygen as the free positive ions, and free negative electrons in presently described system with only pure water as the fuel.It was stated earlier that the velocity of a charged particle in an electric field is equal to
(equation 4)
also, the force of the magnetic pinch effect was derived as
(equation 8)(equation 9)
Thus by equating the magnetic pinch equation to that of Coulombs law, I deduce thatrelativistic speeds of charged particles must occur for magnetic pinching and fusion, specifically a value equal to the speed of light in magnitude has a significant meaning. Therefore, as a starting point I use the speed of light as a magnitude for the required velocity required by the charged particle, I can obtain a voltage requirement used for its velocity from equation(5)
velocity of charged particle = (equation 4)
Voltage =
Theoretical voltage required for electron to approach speed of light = ((v^2 * mass) / (2*q)) or ((9x10^16m/s)*(9.11^-31kg)/(2*1.6^-19coulombs))= 256Kilovolts
A voltage of 256kv is initially thought to be used to accelerate an electron to the speed of light in a vacuum. However, since the early days of cathode rays tubes and beta ray studies, a phenomenon of e/m (the ratio of electron charge to its mass) was variable with increasing speeds. It was H.A. Lorentz who derived an expressionwhich was earlier proposed by G.F. Fitzgerald in trying to resolve the stationary ether paradox of the Michelson Morley experiment. In further studies by Einstein using the principles of H.A. Lorentz concluded that any particle will behave according to the relativistic mass equation whereby, M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2). Hence, the mass of the electron will not reach the speed of light in our “relative state”, however, its mass will be greater as we try to increase speed. Thus the voltage requirement of 256kv will not suffice and a much larger voltage will be required for relativistic speeds. Approaching the speed of light the mass of the electron can reach many times its original mass. By studying the relative mass equation a close approximation to near relativistic speeds, it is deduced that a value of 10 (ten) times the original rest mass of the electron (or any particle) may be used as a good approximation. Therefore,10 (ten) times the rest mass is used and accordingly the voltage will increase by ten times as a requirement for reaching the relativistic speeds. This will make our original voltage requirement of 256kv become 2.56million volts as the necessary voltage for velocity attainment of electrons.
This voltage is impressed upon the entire plasma current. The arc length between electrodes will be a function of reactor size, thus, to provide the amount of energy for charged particles distributed about the plasma arc a greater voltage is used across electrodes themselves and accordingly the proper amount of voltage is distributed across plasma arc length to initiate fusion conditions. Let us merely state one hundred times calculated voltage is required at this point between electrodes with a reactor size conducive for electrode spacing at one meter apart. Thus, 256 million volts has become 256 million volts with a plasma arc length of one meter being employed. Since an extremely high voltage is required for said relativistic speeds, the need for a high frequency is required to establish this high voltage. It was noted earlier that the frequency of this impedance load must be made to resonant with applied voltage input source. This should be realized as with all alternating systems and impedance loads. Thus, it should be clear that it is imperative to first establish a very high voltage for plasma conduction at relativistic speeds of some particles in plasma zone, and concurrently apply a high enough frequency for several reasons as already stated. The transition from a low frequency current to that of a higher frequency has some peculiar effects such as skin effect. Skin effect has the characteristic property of forcing the current onto the surface of the conducting wire. These effects are related via the magnetic component of alternating current. The well-known equation for skin depth is given below. Note that skin depth () is a function of only three variables, frequency (f ), resistivity (), and relative permeability (R).
The important point to see here is that the magnetic permeability has a direct bearing on skin effect as a function of frequency. It has been stated that the magnetic field is a function of a charged particles velocity in space as in equation five
, (equation 5) units in S.I. are Tesla for magnetic flux density
If alternating current is used and applied to electrons in a conducting wire, or a plasma current, the charged particles will be subjected to an oscillating electric field and hence with a greater oscillation, the velocity effects must be greater, and thereby the magnetic fields will alter.
In furthering this action of higher frequencies and high voltages the reader is asked to keep in mind the output plasma arc of a Tesla coil. The rf current from coil outputs see’s its path to ground as one of impedance. The high voltage establishes the dielectric breakdown associated in air when such Tesla coil is operated.There cannot be one without the other. The high voltage must be established for plasma conduction and a high frequency is required for additional magnetic qualities. The transition from low frequency effects to that of high frequency is subtle in the very least. When we operate a dipole antennae with an appropriate oscillating current, we think in terms of quarter wavelengths and utilize proper matching techniques to impedance match the incoming signal and “launch the wave” onto some kind of conducting wire acting as an antenna with dimensions associated with wavelength. When we say for example we have a 100mhz signal, we say the electric peak to peak signal is 3 meters, where wavelength is in a vacuum, do we think how wide the width of the magnetic effects are.To continue these thoughts, we think of a magnetron and its standard 2.45ghz frequency output. It has an electric peak to peak wavelength of 12 cm. Does the magnetic field also coincide to this value in width as it represents the perpendicular value to the electric field. Is this “wave” symmetrical as it is launched from the cavity in regards to a packet of energy with not only a peak to peak electric wavelength, but also a perpendicular dimension as a higher frequency is attained. To continue this thought, EM waves of light frequency magnitudes which are in the nanometers are used in optical microscopes for resolution and determine resolutions based upon wavelength considerations. We can differentiate between molecular dimensions in optical dimensions because we rely on the fact of the so called peak to peak wavelength resolution which we must agree has dimensions that are directly related to not only peak to peak for the electric magnitude, but also the magnetic. Though it is known there does lie the relationship between the electric field and the magnetic field of electromagnetic waves in free space as in Maxwell equations, I am referring to “magnetic peak to peak” dimension as it coincides with its counterpart the “electric peak to peak” wavelength. For in this plasma arc being formed in said NFG system, we are not launching a wave at the input frequency, we are oscillatingcharges at this frequency, and in doing so, peculiar effects of magnetism are associated with it. I believe the magnetic field component which is always relative to the electric field component as in Maxwell’s laws as we progress into higher frequencies the adjoining peak magnetic components began to attract to one another much more tightly. The higher the frequency, the closer are the peaks to one another. It is the magnetic components being squeezed together by the action of the higher frequencies which makes the resultant packet of energy hold together much more than at low frequencies. For example, the magnetron output in a standard microwave oven has a wavelength of 12 cm, which may also be divided into two packets of energy of opposite electric and magnetic field values. Each packet size must be approximately 6cm. This packet of energy can bounce off the interior walls of the oven and will not penetrate the glass door. This glass door has a mesh screen with holes that should be much less than ¼ wavelength and accordingly it is. The packet of energy does not escape. However, in studying the duality nature of electromagnetic waves, some experiments such as by Thomas Young as early as 1800 have given more credit to waves as opposed to corpuscles because of the effect of a wave front on a surface with some of the wave passing thru an aperture or slit in it and the resulting patterns of interference formed. Of course the slits in those experiments are far greater than the wavelength of light being in nanometers. I specifically am referring to the fact that slits or holes in mesh screens smaller than ¼ wavelength of a particular wave front do not allow any appreciable amount of the “wave front” to escape. As the frequency gets higher, the packet of energy is held together tighter. I referred to this earlier as with an increase in alternating current, the angular velocity must increase accordingly, hence, magnetic effects are increased. It seems that a ‘quantum” of energy is increasingly held together as the frequency of oscillation is raised. The quantified 6cm packet of energy hits the mesh screen and does not let any part of its “quanta-photons” escape as it is held tightly together. To illustrate another step further in velocity considerations, for an increase in resolution in microscopes beyond the light regions, we advance into the scanning electron microscopes whereby the electron has a “wavelike” behavior via the deBroglie equation as a direct function of its velocity in space
l=h/mv , deBroglie wavelength (equation 9 )
A high voltage is used to obtain large speeds attained by the electron, a wavelike picture of its dimensions should be estimated via the deBroglie equation of l=h/mv whereby lambda l or wavelength is a function of the Planck constant divided by the product of momentum mv. Thus it should be clear there is another dimension of “magneticwavelengths” which must be taken into consideration when in said method of relativistic speeds is required for magnetic pinch qualities. With the values established for relativistic mass of the electron (10 times original electron mass times velocity of light) we can somewhat come close to a value of lambda. It is conceded, that the actual values of mass and velocity are not exactly that given, but should be a close approximation when applied voltages in the range of several billion are used. Hence, a value of 2.4^-13meters for a deBroglie wavelength of an electron is found. This is close to nuclear dimensions of the proton. Thus a physical picture of the electron should now be established. An electron given relativistic speeds in said NFG system will acquire a stronger magnetic field about itself and its dimensions begin to shrink because of the strength of its magnetic field compressing it. This ideology is also understood in cross section neutron studies whereby the energetic neutrons with varying velocities posses different wave particle duality conditions of wavelengths and entire encyclopedias have been derived for cross sections studies of neutrons and target elements. Hence, the electron in our case has been reduced in size via description of its magnetic field in a way which can have a direct relationship in reacting with nuclei as in neutron cross section studies.
Therefore, we have established in the plasma zone an amount of relativistic electrons having cross sectional dimensions on the order of nuclear sizes in which interaction between said electron and proton can fuse via magnetic attraction. It was stated that the radioactive free neutron will spontaneously emit an electron and 0.782mev of energy. Conversely, if an element has too many protons relative to neutrons, the nucleus will create an inverse beta decay or k-capture or also called orbital electron capture. Thus, it is evident that this proton electron combination process seems plausible.Therefore, in analyzing our plasma zone, in a “snapshot instant in time” when the magnetic energy for pinching is highest within the plasma zone is a relativistic electron traveling in a direction towards the positive polarity of positive electrode. This electron will have a magnetic field created by its velocity and its orientation in regards to north and south may be established via known methods of field conventions. Conversely, at the very moment this “snapshot instant in time” is taken, positive ions of H, D, T, and oxygen will move in opposite direction of electrons toward negative potential of electrode. Its associated magnetic field strength is different than the electron because of its mass being much greater than the electron and subsequently with a given voltage applied, will be forced to move with a velocity less than the electron by way of equation 4. Mass for proton is much greater. Also if the mass is a deuteron, the velocity will be even less as a neutron is attached and the appropriate mass is doubled in equation 4.
Velocity of charged particle = (equation 4)
However, more importantly, its magnetic field by convention is opposite than the electron. Though the orientation of the magnetic field lines of the positive ions are opposite to that of the negative electron, because its direction is opposite to that of the electron, the fields will be the same. Thus, the magnetic pinch effect not only is attractive to all negative electron current in one direction, but also is attractive to positive ions traversing in opposite direction within plasma zone. Thus, the magnetic pinch effect is additive to entire charged particles within plasma zone as shown in figure 5. This of course is true in any plasma current pinch device.
Therefore, in this instant in time of the snapshot, there lies the probability of a proton being surrounded by the requisite number of electrons needed for neutron formation. I have repeated the need for relativistic charged particlesto acquire a velocity component which depicts itself as the required magnetic field needed for fusion pinch, to state it another way, the velocity component is a direct result of the voltage component impressed upon the charged particles. I have referred to the fact that at least 750kiloelectronvolts of energy is required in the vicinity of charged particles for a “reverse beta decay” and subsequent neutron formation to occur. When I stated values of several billion volts impressed upon the plasma current, I am trying to convey the fact that this distribution of energy must be allocated in the strength of the electric field amongst charged particles. Hence, once a free neutron is created in a hydrogenous solution such as water it will immediately be absorbed as hydrogen’s thermal neutron cross section is extremely large in comparison to D,T,and Oxygen. Thus a deuteron is formed. I shall refer to this mode of deuteron formation via initial neutron formation “case No.1”.
Case no.1 = (H + n ÞD +gwhere g is a gamma ray photon of 2.2.mev)
It is conceded that with initial neutron formation, its velocity is not guaranteed to be thermalized; however, it should be evident that amongst the material elements being employed in said NFG system, the absorption by hydrogen is far greater than any other element. The following table is a comparison of some elements FROM “SLOWING DOWN OF 1-MEV NEUTRONS” TAKEN FROM SECTION 11.40 FROM “SOURCEBOOK ON ATOMIC ENERGY” BY Samuel Glasstone, 2nd edition
This case no.1 represents the lowest level of a fusion reaction. This case no. 1 is also an understanding into “cold fusion” reactions, whereby an electrical current in a hydrogenous solution can provide a magnetic environment such as shown in figure 5 and create the necessary conditions for a fusion reaction. Cold fusion reactions are not accepted as there has not been definitive proof of excess energy, by understanding the present modes of magnetic excitation, it should be understood that cold fusion cells employed are at the lowest energy realm possible for fusion. The intermittent positive values detected are via quantum tunneling and probability analysis with modes of excitation and fusion combination as I have stated and not at all via theories explained by cold fusion proponents such as a function of electrode material by catalytic actions. The need for a higher voltage and higher frequency must be employed for optimum conditions. Nuclear reactions as with any chemical reactions are somewhat identical in the fact that for the most efficient transfer of input energy into the system for reaction to occur multiple parameters must be optimized. Reactions are similar to a bell curve in that the peak of such a reaction curve represents the proper conditions of all parameters. In this case, voltage, frequency, pressure, electrode spacing, etc are all important. However, some reactions will still occur on the very leading point of the efficiency curve, this is where cold fusion is occurring.
Refer to figure 6. On considering the next higher level of a fusion reaction in such NFG system, we again analyze the same snapshot in time. It should be realized that there also lies the probability that at the very instant of this “snapshot in time”, when the magnetic energy is most effective for pinching, that there can exist two adjacent protons with a proper amount of electrons in its vicinity to cause a direct deuteron formation. However, the electrons in this case only facilitate the pushing of one proton onto another via its magnetic energy in a direct hydrogen-hydrogen fusion reaction.
Case no. 2 = (H + H ÞD + eplus + energy, note, the eplus is a positron)
The following represent levels of fusion reactions which may exist in every opportunity of a “snapshot in time”. Whether the reaction is by direct combination of electrons and protons as described by case no. 1 or by the electrons causing nuclei to fuse as noted in case 2. Fusion caused by the relativistic magnetic field of the electrons aiding in pinching the overall field between electron and protons when all entities are in proper positions, or by the momentum of the relativistic electrons causing a direct collision with a proton and slightly changing the protons course into another adjacent proton for fusion into deuteron.It should become clear that there exits many modes of fusion of elements under this method of excitement.
Case no. 3 = (H + D Þ He3 + energy)
Case no. Z = (element x + element y Þ element xy + energy) Equation no.13
whereby element xy is a new element caused by the fusion of elements x and y to yield a new element xy which is less than the total binding energy of the strongest element that being of nickel-62 and or iron-58/56. Thus, case no. Z represents the fusion of any material for useful nuclear fusion energy production, as long as the product element xy is an element less than that of nickel and or iron. Reference to the packing fraction by F.W. Aston and subsequent binding energy curves suggest fusion possibilities of the general equation no.13 as shown in case. No. Z.
However, it is known that fusion of the lightest elements, particularly hydrogen and its isotopes, seems most plausible and likely to occur in man made fusion devices to date because of its single bound positive charge proton.In this NFG system, it may be attainable to attempt equation13 by the deployment of concentrations of any element x and y in the medium of water thereby introducing in that “snapshot instant in time” analysis a probability of element x and element y to be in the right place at the right time for fusion to occur.
It has been portrayed that to attain fusion by said NFG system, the requirements of a high voltage are needed in conjunction with a high frequency. The imparted velocities of some charged particles will reach relativistic speeds, and in doing so attain a greater magnetic field, conversely, with a high frequency being employed for not only resonant matching techniques, but also in regards to velocity inducement as it was mentioned earlier with the fact that a higher frequency induces a magnetic quality to the oscillation necessary in this mode of application. This relates to skin effect, whereby it is known that a high frequency current will not penetrate a conducting surface appreciable. The plasma current is also a conductor; however, the skin depths desired with such NFG system are only several atoms thick. Thus, this high voltage high frequency current will have its actions about the plasma in such a way as to directly interact at the atomic level much more directly than with a low frequency current. By use of the terms high and low frequency of power line usage, one must ask what is high or low, this are relative statements. However, it should be realized that high frequency in this system is comparable to those which excite nuclear energies. It was already stated of the possible resonant frequency of the 21cm line. However, it is realized as mentioned before, multiple parameters are included and one of which may also be electrode spacing in which shall be discussed now.
In the following discussion of electrodes, the reader is asked to keep in mind the discharge of a tesla coil. The output of such a device is variable dependent upon construction techniques and proper matching of simple resonant components such as inductor and capacitor to form a resonant oscillating system. In regards to what has been discussed so far, the reader is asked to accept a tesla coil having been built with the following output characteristics; a voltage to ground of 256 million, and a frequency of 1.420 GHz or 21cm.Call this Tesla coil “TC1”. The entire TC1 construction is immaterial at this point, the only requirement is that the typical “top load” of said TC1 is one of the electrodes in the NFG system. In reference to fig.7, it is shown that the electrode assembly introduced in fig 2 earlier has been replaced by a spherical design made of conducting metal of the “doorknob” type in shape. It has been found that the discharge from high frequency high voltage discharges prefer rounded electrode discharge geometry, hence, at this stage preference is made to a metal electrode of spherical design. Electrode one represents the actual discharge electrode of a Tesla coil, whether the actual power source of the coil is in the vessel itself or external with coil outputs to discharge electrode no. 1 is irrelevant at this point. Concern should be directed only to electrodes at this point.
At present, there are two electrodes being shown. Electrode no.1 is the Primary discharge electrode of the tesla coil. Electrode no.2 is the RF ground connection in which the RF current from electrode no. 1 may return to ground through the dielectric medium of water in this case. Thus, what has now been established is the simplest case of an electrode assembly within the NFG system which employs one electrode being connected to the tesla coil. The output of the tesla coil is discharged from electrode no.1 to electrode no.2 which is connected to a solid earth ground. The size and shape of electrodes will have a direct bearing on the impedance parameters of the electrodes as seen by the power source. For example, as with all power supplies, the source of energy doesn’t actually care whatnumber of components it is connected to, but only on the final resultant impedance. For example, the tesla coil output from discharge to ground may travel thru any medium whatsoever not just free air, however, the parameters of resistance and impedance are the only variables in which the power source must address. Thus for efficiencies, the overall impedance is not only a function of electrode shape and size, but also the plasma conditions in between.
A second design may also be used in the electrode assembly as in figure 8.Instead of a second electrode used as RF ground, it is seen that the vessel walls themselves may be used as the discharge return to ground. Thus, a single electrode may suffice within the vessel as long as it is the discharge electrode of the Tesla coil.
A third design may also be used in the electrode assembly whereby the primary discharge electrode is in the center of the vessel with a plurality of secondary electrodes of rf ground spherical arranged around the primary electrode about a single axis to divide the plasma current into several segments.
A forth design may also be used in the electrode assembly whereby the primary discharge electrode is in the center of the vessel with a plurality of secondary electrodes of rf ground spherical arranged around the primary electrode about multiple axis.
A fifth design may also be used in the electrode assembly whereby the primary discharge electrode within the vessel is discharged to another primary discharge electrode of a second tesla coil such as a dipolar tesla coil. This arrangement is seen as two identical tesla coils with same construction parameters and fundamental frequencies are alike and which are made to “resonant” with one another.
It should be clear that by mentioning various electrode types, quantities and spacing about one another, an unlimited geometry of electrodes may be created within a vessel as might be required for efficiency of plasma operation and its thermal division of power translated into fluid medium
Let us now return to the simplest case of two opposing electrodes with some distance to one another.In the simplest of designs, the distance between electrodes is fixed to one another. It may be found that for a given size NFG system of a certain power rating, a determined fixed distance from one electrode to the other shall suffice. However In some instances it might be required for one electrode to me made movable in that this movable electrode is moved to a close proximity of the discharge electrode for a plasma arc to be initiated. Once an arc has been established, this movable electrode is made to move away from discharge electrode whereby lengthening the plasma arc itself. In order for plasma arc not to extinguish, the power input is increased in a linear fashion as the distance between electrodes is increased. This situation may be required if a very long plasma arc is required for whatever reasons. One reason shall be noted now; it was stated earlier in the necessity of establishing a magnetic pinch environment for the actual cause of nuclear fusion. It was mentioned that there lies the possibility of introducing external magnification to add in the total magnetic energy required. Therefore, with reference to fig 9, a source of magnification shall be introduced about the plasma current itself. This source of external magnification may be electromagnetic or fixed permanent magnets.
Fig 9. Depiction of external magnetic field about the plasma current between electrodes. This external field shall aid in pinching of plasma
Now that it has been stated the possibility of increasing the fusion yield by employing external magnification upon the plasma arc, it might be asked why operate such a NFG system without the highest possible fusion yields in which all parameters of input such as voltage , frequency, and even pressure applied to overall liquid state are highly utilized. The attainment of commercial nuclear fusion is highly desired for obvious results. However, the use of fusion devices have always been envisioned for the use of electrical power conversion systems. Though that is exactly what the NFG system is, it should be understood that the commercial construction of an electrical power generation unit of this design, its energy output must be at least 4 times greater than input. For example, it is known that to extract energy from a thermodynamic system such as from a liquid state, approximately 30 percent can only be achieved because of the laws of thermodynamics. Thus, if we inject 1megawatt of electricity into NFG system, we should at least generate 4 times as much energy into the liquid so that enough energy is extracted from the vessel to not only provide energy surplus, but also replenish what was input into the system. That point should be obvious. However, in regards to why not operate the NFG system at a much lower potential, here should make the case. The NFG system is nothing more than a “heat source”. Oil, gas, coal, and even electricity is used as a heat source for commercial buildings in heat exchange systems such as in boilers in whereby the heated liquid state is used as a transfer mechanism to supply warmth to the building. Operating the NFG system at a much lower efficiency for use in such boiler apparatuses seems plausible for cost effectiveness in a much less robust design as compared to an electrical power generation unit. For example, a boiler system employing the NFG system might be a small compact unit identical to standard boiler systems of today. The use of higher pressure might not be used for safety purposes, many parameters of input control may severely be degraded with a boiler NFG system. The bottom line will still be a much more efficient method of having a “heat source” employed, and thus, the use of oil, gas, coal, may be substituted by employing the NFG system in boilers. This should dramatically alone reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, and in so doing should be implemented immediately as an alternative to heating buildings. Of course, once the efficiency of the NFG system is made so great as in electrical power generation systems, electricity will become so cheap and abundant, that all buildings will then simply use electric heating solely from a utility company.
In reference to frequency, it was noted that 1.45 GHz or the 21cm wavelength has significance. Let us now incorporate this frequency to a Nuclear Fusion Generator machine with following characteristics.
Voltage: 256 million volts
Frequency: 1.420 GHz
Electrode spacing: 1 meter, thus, close to 5 oscillations are between the electrodes, conditions for standing wave ratios are sought.
In summary, it has been stated the fusion in this NFG system is by magnetic fusion alone. Without question, the magnetic energy is derived by the relativistic effects of velocity by charged particles. However, it was mentioned that frequency is also important for resonance and impedance matching techniques upon the plasma state. This seems logical as most would make analogies to ac circuitry. However, it was also mentioned, that there are inherent magnetic effects with a high frequency. Starting from low frequency effects and approaching the higher modes of oscillation we interact with the nucleus itself with high level x-rays and gamma rays strictly reserved for nuclear transitions. May this relate to the debroglie equation of matter waves l=h/mv, whereby velocity effects might be related to number of oscillations per second in frequency response, and or also to the Planck equation of E=nhf. There seem many subtle parameters all of which must be related, and not simply a large discharge of electrical current from one electrode to another and simply summing the poloidal current as in standard tokamaks and similar pinch devices. What is presented here is an entirely different mode of application in fusion. A high voltage and high frequency used conjointly to impress a magnetic strength of not only quantity in flux expressed in Tesla units, but also in quality as in regards to cross section wave picture which is a function of frequency and applied voltage together.
I hope what has been given forth in this paper is enough for a reader to grasp and expand upon. For what is at stake is nuclear fusion with an abundant source of fuel to meet global demands and clean emissions. Energy is not a luxury; it should be a right of all citizens as should health care and quality living standards. Energy for warmth, light, and mobility make our lives far more comfortable and it is to that attainment we must pursue for not only ourselves but the lives of our children to live in a world free from pollutants and loss of natural resources.
I am the man who has solved the energy crisis with no greenhouse gases by myself. I thought that was the hard part, ending my experiments april 2007 i have tried to communicate with people on the internet-the gateway to humanity connecting millions of souls- one major problem- FAITH- in the struggle of man on earth in his own battle with faith to god- is FAITH with your friends and neighbors and whomever you meet anywhere in life. it is now 24years on this net - will you help uncover- none do anything- no wonder the global economy has failed and on brink of nuclear war-